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How to Submit

Submissions open on December 15th, 2017

Submission deadline is February 15th, 2018

Submit your proposal at https://conference.earli.org/submission/16/create

Before you submit

Please make sure you have read the submission requirements. See Call for Papers

An EARLI account is needed in order to submit a proposal or register for the conference. Users who do not have an EARLI account can create one here.

Please make sure to update your personal and professional details as this information will be used for further communications as well as generating the conference programme. Please avoid creating multiple accounts as this could lead to interaction problems later on.

For co-authors who will not participate in the conference, an account is not required as this information can be inserted manually while submitting.

Proposals can only be submitted through the link above. Submissions via email will not be accepted.

Information for the submission of symposia: Every symposium requires 3-4 presenting authors, one discussant and one chair. Please bear in mind that you can act only once as a presenting author, for a total of four appearances at the conference (e.g., in the role of chair, discussant, or presenter). When submitting a symposium, you will need to ensure that the email address entered for each active participant (i.e. presenting authors, chairs, discussants) matches the email address they have entered in the EARLI database. Consequently, each active conference participant needs to have an EARLI account and needs to provide the submitter with the corresponding email address before the submission.

How to submit

Please note: For every symposium or individual paper, you will have to repeat the submission process. It is extremely important to use the same EARLI account for all of your submissions.

Below, you can find instructions on how to log in and create a new submission.

1. Go to https://conference.earli.org/submission/16/create

2. Click 'log in'

All existing account data has been migrated from the old EARLI system to this new system. If you already have an EARLI account, you do not need to create a new account. You can log in using the email address and password linked to your existing EARLI account. You no longer need your EARLI username; this has been replaced by your e-mail address.

When logging in for the first time, please check that all your account information is correct. Please make sure that your country of birth and country of employment is filled in.

You can access all your account information in your user profile.

3. Create a submission for the EARLI SIG 5 Conference

Upon logging in, you can find the SIG 5 Conference listed among other SIG Conferences held in 2018. If you are submitting a symposium, click on “New symposium” next to the SIG 5 Conference details. If you are submitting a proposal for a paper or poster presentation, click on “New submission”.

4. Enter all required information

The submission flow will consist of three steps (four for symposia):

Step 1: Entering the title and domain

Step 2: Entering the abstracts (for symposia) or the abstract and extended summary (for paper and poster submissions). Ensure that the abstracts/abstract and extended summary have been anonymized. Do not include author names or affiliations.

Step 3: Entering 4 keywords, domain, authors and presentation equipment

For symposia, the submitter will first be asked to enter the title and abstract of the symposium as a whole, and will then need to submit the individual contributions, following steps 1 to 3.

Please note: Choosing your keywords is very important, so take the time to do this carefully. The system will automatically assign your contribution to reviewers whose background best matches your selections of keywords. Keywords will also be used to group paper and poster sessions.

5. Become a reviewer

You can also opt to act as a reviewer for the EARLI SIG 5 Conference 2018.

Click on "my reviews", and select your domains, SIGs and keywords to sign up!

If, for any reason, you cannot complete the submission process all at once, you can return to the website and modify any information you save prior to submitting the final forms before the submission deadline of February 15th, 2018.
