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Publications 2017

Publications 2017
Division of Health Psychology
(Arbeitsbereich Gesundheitspsychologie)

Arnautovska, U., Fleig, L., O’Callaghan, F., & Hamilton, K. (2017). A longitudinal investigation of older adults’ physical activity: Testing an integrated dual-process model. Psychology & Health, 32(2), 166-185. doi:10.1080/08870446.2016.1250273

Banik, A., Luszczynska, A., Pawlowska, I., Cieslak, R., Knoll, N., & Scholz, U. (2017). Enabling, not cultivating: Received social support and self-efficacy explain quality of life after lung-cancer surgery. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, 1-12. doi:10.1007/s12160-016-9821-9

Banik, A., Schwarzer, R., Pawlowska, I., Boberska M., Cieslak R., & Luszczynska, A. (2017). Women with family cancer history are at risk for poorer physical quality of life and lower self-efficacy: a longitudinal study among men and women with non-small cell lung cancer. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes,  15(62). doi: 10.1186/s12955-017-0645-5

Blanke, E., Riediger, M., & Brose, A. (2017). Pathways to Happiness Are Multidirectional: Associations Between State Mindfulness and Everyday Affective Experience. Emotion, Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/emo0000323

Bowler, R. M., Adams, S. W., Schwarzer, R., Gocheva, V. V., Roels, H. A., Kim, Y., ... & Lobdell, D. T. (2017). Validity of self-reported concentration and memory problems: Relationship with neuropsychological assessment and depression. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 39(10), 1026-1036. doi: 10.1080/13803395.2017.1301392

Budin-Ljøsne, I., Teare, H.J., Kaye, J., Beck, S., Bentzen, H.B., Caenazzo, L., Collett, C., Felzmann, H., Finlay, T., Javaid, M.K., Jones, E., Katić, V., Simpson, A., Mascalzoni, D. (2017). Dynamic Consent: a potential solution to some of the challenges of modern biomedical research. BMC Medical Ethics, 18(4). doi: 10.1186/s12910-016-0162-9

Cohrdes, C., Wrzus, C., Frisch, S., & Riediger, M. (2017). Tune Yourself In: Valence and Arousal Preferences in Music-Listening Choices From Adolescence to Old Age. Developmental Psychology, 53, 1777-1794. doi: 10.1037/dev0000362

D’Abramo, F. (2017).Il consenso informato in ambito terapeutico. Tra autonomia del paziente e medicina difensiva. [Informed consent in the therapeutic setting. Between patient’s autonomy and defensive medicine]. Rome: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-255-0507-8 

Fleig, L., Gardner, B., Keller, J., Lippke, S., Pomp, S., & Wiedemann, A. (2017). What contributes to action plan enactment? Examining characteristics of physical activity plans. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22(4), 940-957. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12263

Hamilton, K., Bonham, M., Bishara, J., Kroon, J., & Schwarzer, R. (2016). Translating dental flossing intentions into behavior: A longitudinal investigation of the mediating effect of planning and self-efficacy. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s12529-016-9605-4

Hamilton, K., Warner, L. M., & Schwarzer, R. (2017). The role of self-efficacy and friend support on physical exercise intentions and exercise in adolescents. Health Education and Behavior, 44(1), 175-181. doi: 10.1177/1090198116648266

Horodyska, K., Boberska, M, Knoll, N., Scholz, U., Radtke, T. ,Liszewska, N., & Luszczynska, A. (2017). What matters, parental or child perceptions of physical activity facilities? A prospective parent-child study explaining physical activity and body fat among children. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 34, 39-46. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychsport.2017.09.007

Keller, J., Fleig, L., Hohl, D. H., Wiedemann, A. U., Burkert, S., Luszczynska, A., & Knoll, N. (2017). Which characteristics of planning matter? Individual and dyadic physical activity plans and their effects on plan enactment. Social Science and Medicine, 189, 53-62. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.07.025

Keller, J., Wiedemann, A. U., Hohl, D. H., Scholz, U. Burkert, S., Schrader, M., & Knoll, N. (2017). Predictors of dyadic planning: Perspectives of prostate cancer survivors and their partners. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22(1), 42-59. doi: 10.1111/bjhp.12216

Klipker, K., Wrzus, C., Rauers, A., Boker, S. M., & Riediger, M. (2017). Within-Person Changes in Salivary Testosterone and Physical Characteristics of Puberty Predict Boys’ Daily Affect. Hormones and Behavior, 95, 22-32. doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2017.07.012

Klipker, K., Wrzus, C., Rauers, A., & Riediger, M. (2017). Hedonic orientation moderates the association between cognitive control and affect reactivity in adolescent boys. Emotion, 17(3), 497-508. doi: 10.1037/emo0000241

Knoll, N., Hohl, D. H., Keller, J., Schuez, N., Luszczynska, A., & Burkert, S. (2017). Effects of dyadic planning on physical activity in couples: A randomized controlled trial.Health Psychology, 36(1), 8-20.doi: 10.1037/hea0000423

Knoll, N., Scholz, U., & Rieckmann, N. (2017). Einführung Gesundheitspsychologie (4. aktualisierte Aufl.) [Introduction into health psychology (4th rev. ed.)]. München, Germany: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag, UTB.

Lonsdale, C., Hall, A.M., Murray, A., Williams, G.C., McDonough, S. M., Ntoumanis, N., Owen. K., Schwarzer, R., Parker, P., Kolt, G. S., Hurley, D. A., (2017). Communication Skills Training for Practitioners to Increase Patient Adherence to Home-based Rehabilitation for Chronic Low Back Pain: Results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, 98(9),1732-1743. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2017.02.025

Schwarzer, R., Fleig, L., Warner, L. M., Gholami, M., Serra-Majem, L., Ngo, J., Roman-Viñas, B., Ribas-Barba, L., Distante, A., Ntzani, E., Giannakis, G., & Brandi, M. L. (2017). Who benefits from a dietary online intervention? Evidence from Italy, Spain and Greece. Public Health Nutrition, 20(5), 938-947. doi: 10.1017/S1368980016002913

Taruffi, L., & Koelsch, S. (2017). Implications of the Vienna Integrated Model of Art Perception for art-based interventions in clinical populations. Physics of Life Reviews, 21, 145-147. doi: 10.1016/j.plrev.2017.06.017

Taruffi, L., Allen, R., Downing, J., & Heaton, P. (2017). Individual differences in music- perceived emotions: The influence of externally-oriented thinking. Music Perception, 34(3), 253-266. doi: 10.1525/mp.2017.34.3.253

Taruffi, L., Pehrs, C., Skouras, S., & Koelsch, S. (2017). Effects of sad and happy music on mind-wandering and the default mode network. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 14396. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-14849-0

Warner, L. M. & Schwarzer, R. (2017). Self-efficacy. In A. Wenzel (Ed.), The Sage encyclopedia of abnormal and clinical psychology (pp. 3036-3038). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Ltd. doi: 10.4135/9781483365817.n1210

Wolff, J. K., Schüz, B., Ziegelmann, J. P., Warner, L. M., & Wurm, S. (2017). Short-Term buffers, but long-term suffers? Differential effects of negative self-perceptions of aging following serious health Events. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 72(3), 408-414. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbv058

Wrzus, C., Egloff, B., & Riediger, M. (2017). Using Implicit Association Tests in Age- Heterogeneous Samples: The Importance of Cognitive Abilities and Quad Model Processes. Psychology and Aging, 32(5), 432-446. doi: 10.1037/pag0000176

Zhou, G., Gan, Y., Hamilton, K., & Schwarzer, R. (2017). The role of social support and self-efficacy for planning fruit and vegetable intake. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(2), 100-106.e101. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2016.09.005