Research Associates
Johanna Hildebrandt, M.A.
Juliane Ludwig, Dipl. Soz.-Wirt.
Ph.D. Student
Ying Zhang
Project in Cooperation with
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Baumert, MPI für Bildungsforschung, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Kai Maaz, Universität Potsdam
Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen, IQB
Institut für Schulentwicklungsforschung, Dortmund
BMBF / Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Funding Period
since 2006
Project Description
This longitudinal study examines the transition from primary school to secondary school. While the working group of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the University of Potsdam focus on educational aspirations and choices the main focus of our group is on the motivational coping of transition. The longitudinal study is based on the TIMSS-2007-sample including 5,000 4th graders. The cross-sectional design of TIMSS was enlarged by two waves of data collection before (parents and teachers) and three waves of data collection after the transition. Two goals are prominent in this longitudinal study:
- Investigation of the effects of transition from primary to secondary school on motivation and learning
- Investigation of the effects of social background and school-related parental support on coping with the transition from primary to secondary school
Further Project Partners
• Prof. Dr. Matthias Nückles, Universität Freiburg
• Isabell Paulick, M.A., Stipendiatin des DFG-Graduiertenkollegs „Passungsverhältnisse schulischen Lernens“, Universität Göttingen
• Markus Szczesny, M.A., FU Berlin
Hildebrandt, J. & Watermann, R. (accepted). Erwartungen an den Grundschulübergang bei Schülern mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund: Eine Analyse übergangsbezogener positiver und negativer Emotionen. [Expectations regarding the transition from elementary school to secondary school among students with Turkish migration background: An analysis of positive and negative emotions]. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation [German Journal of Sociology of Education and Socialization].
Watermann, R. (2013). Zielorientierungen und der Zusammenhang mit der Schulleistung: Ein personenzentrierter Ansatz [Achievement goals and their relation to academic achievement: A person-centered approach]. In K. Schwippert, M. Bonsen und N. Berkemeyer (Hrsg.), Schul- und Bildungsforschung Münster: Waxmann, 13-31
Paulick, I., Watermann, R. & Nückles, M. (2012). Achievement goals and school achievement: The transition to different school tracks in secondary school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38 (1), 75-86
Paulick, I., Watermann, R. & Nückles, M. (2011). Zielorientierungen und schulische Leistungen am Grundschulübergang [Achievement goals and school achievement during the from elementary to secondary school]. Unterrichtswissenschaft [Instructional Science], 39 (4), 365-384
Becker, M., Gresch, C., Baumert, J., Watermann, R., Schnitger, D. & Maaz, K. (2010). Durchführung, Daten und Methoden [Procedures, data and methods]. In K. Maaz, J. Baumert, C. Gresch & N. McElvany (Hrsg.), Der Übergang von der Grundschule in die weiterführende Schule - Leistungsgerechtigkeit und regionale, soziale und ethnisch-kulturelle Disparitäten [The transition from primary to secondary school - Equity and regional, social, and ethnic inequalities]. Bonn, Berlin: BMBF, 107-122.
Kurtz, T., Watermann, R., Klingebiel, F. & Szczesny, M. (2010). Das emotionale Erleben des bevorstehenden Grundschulübergangs und die Rolle der elterlichen Unterstützung [The role of parental support for students’ emotions at the transition from elementary to secondary school]. In K. Maaz, J. Baumert, C., Gresch & N. McElvany (Hrsg.), Der Übergang von der Grundschule in die weiterführende Schule - Leistungsgerechtigkeit und regionale, soziale und ethnisch-kulturelle Disparitäten [Transition from elementary to secondary school – Equity and regional, social, and ethnic inequalities] (S. 333-355). Bonn, Berlin: BMBF.
Watermann, R., Klingebiel, F. & Kurtz, T. (2010). Die motivationale Bewältigung des Grundschulübergangs aus Schüler- und Elternsicht [Parents’ and students’ views on the motivational coping of the transiton from elementary to secondary school]. In K. Maaz, J. Baumert, C., Gresch & N. McElvany (Hrsg.), Der Übergang von der Grundschule in die weiterführende Schule - Leistungsgerechtigkeit und regionale, soziale und ethnisch-kulturelle Disparitäten [Transition from elementary to secondary school – Equity and regional, social, and ethnic inequalities] (S. 357-384). Bonn, Berlin: BMBF.
Conference Contributions
- Hildebrandt, J. & Watermann, R. (2013). Reference group effects on performance-related emotions concerning the elementary school transition. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), 27. 4. – 1. 5. 2013, San Francisco.
- Ludwig, J. & Watermann, R. (2013). Family background, parental behaviors, emotions and the development of achievement goals in context of the transition to secondary school. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), 27. April to 1. May 2013, San Francisco.
- Ludwig, J., Szczesny, M. & Watermann, R. (2012). Das emotionale Erleben des Grundschulübergangs und die Rolle familialer Prozessmerkmale [Emotional experience of the transition from elementary to secondary school and the role of parental process features]. Paper presented at the 48. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 23. -27. September 2012, Bielefeld.
- Watermann, R. Hildebrandt, J., Ludwig, J. & Szczesny, M. (2011). Perceived threat and the development of performance goals during the transition to secondary school. Poster presented at the SRCD. 31. March - 2. April 2011, Montreal.
- Paulick, I., Watermann, R. & Nückles, M. (2011). Achievement goals and school achievement at the transition to different school tracks in secondary school. Paper presented at the AERA, 8.-12. April 2011, New Orleans.
- Hildebrandt, J. & Watermann, R. (2011). Erwartungen an den Grundschulübergang bei Schülerinnen und Schülern mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund [Expectations of students with a turkish migration background concerning the transition from elementary to secondary school]. Poster presented at the AEPF, 28.02.-02.03.2011, Bamberg.
- Ludwig, J., Kurtz, T., Szczesny, M. & Watermann, R. (2010). Familiale Prozessbedingungen und das emotionale Erleben des Grundschulübergangs [Parental process features and the emotional experience of transition from elementary to secondary school]. Paper presented at the AEPF, 13.-15.9.2010, Jena.
- Paulick, I., Watermann, R. & Nückles, M. (2010). Factorial and construct validity of achievement goal orientation at the transition to secondary school. Poster presented at the AERA, 30.04.-04.05.2010, Denver.
- Paulick, I., Watermann, R. & Nückles, M. (2010). Achievement goal orientation and school learning at the transition to secondary school. Presentation at the Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology at the University of Rochester, 25.02.2010, New York.
- Watermann, R. (2010). Familiale Prozessbedingungen von Bildungserfolg [Impact of parental process features on educational achievement. Paper presented on behalf of the symposium „Heterogenity and educational achievement – theoretical and empirical discourse"], 29.-30.04.2010, Augsburg.
- Paulick, I., Watermann, R. & Nückles, M. (2009). Zielorientierungen und schulisches Lernen in der Grundschule [Achievement goals and school learning in primary school]. Paper and poster presented at the 4. Göttinger Fachtagung des Zentrums für empirische Unterrichts- und Schulforschung 14.-16. September 2009, Göttingen.
- Watermann, R., Klingebiel, F., Kurtz, T. & Szczesny, M. (2009). Grundschulübergang: Differenzielle Effekte auf Selbstkonzept und epistemische Neugier. [Transition from elementary to secondary school: Differential effects on self-concept and epistemic curiosity. Paper presented at the AEPF, 28.-30.09.2009, Bochum.
- Paulick, I., Watermann, R. & Nückles, M. (2009). Zielorientierungen und schulisches Lernen beim Übergang in die Sekundarstufe I [Goal orientations and school learning at the transition to secondary school]. Paper presented at the AEPF, 28.-30.09.2009, Bochum.
- Watermann, R., Szczesny, M. & Maaz, K. (2009). Die Unterstützung von Selbstbestimmung im Elternhaus und die Bewältigung des Grundschulübergangs [Parental support of self-determination and the coping with the transition from elementary to secondary school.] Paper presented at the PAEPS, 07.-09.09.2009, Saarbrücken.
- Watermann, R., Brümmer, F. & Szczesny, M. (2009). Förderung von Selbstbestimmung im Elternhaus und die Entwicklung intrinsischer Lernmotivation am Grundschulübergang [Parental support of self-determination and the development of intrinsic learning motivation at the transition from elementary to secondary school.] Paper presented at the AEPF, 24.-26.03.2009, Landau.