Paulina Feige
Research Associate
Research Interests
I am interested in social influences (parents, peers) on motivational-affective characteristics in middle childhood and adolescence. I consider these from a gender-differential perspective. Do parental beliefs and behaviors influence boys' and girls' self-concepts and test anxiety? Do mothers and fathers have a differential impact on their daughters and sons?
2018-2022 Clinical Psychology, M.Sc., University of Potsdam, Germany.
Master's thesis: Influence of parental self-concept in mathematics on children's self-concept considering parental and child gender
2009-2015 Psychology, B.Sc., FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany.
Bachelor thesis: Stress and university dropout - A systematic review of the current research literature
Research Activity
Since 2022 Research associate at the Department of Empirical Educational Research, Freie Universität Berlin
2019-2021 Student assistant in the Departments "Early Childhood Education" and "Early Childhood Education Research", Freie Universität Berlin
Winter Term 2024/2025
121085 Planning and Publishing Research (Seminar)
121086 Planning and Publishing Research (Practice seminar)
Winter Term 2022/2023
121085 Research planning and publication (seminar).
121086 Research Planning and Publication (tutorial).
Articles in Journals and Book chapters
Feige, P., Watermann, R. Perceived Peer Integration, Parental Control, and Autonomy Support: Differential Effects on Test Anxiety during the Transition to Secondary School for Girls and Boys. J. Youth Adolescence (2024).
Feige, P., Watermann, R. Simpkins, S., Eccles, J., & Oppermann, E. (Submitted). Impact of mothers’ and fathers’ math self-concept of ability, child-specific beliefs and behaviors on girls’ and boys’ math self-concept of ability.
Feige, P. & Watermann, R. (submitted). Perceived social integration, parental control and autonomy support: Differential effects on test anxiety during the transition to secondary school for girls and boys.
Papers and Congressional articles
Feige, P., Watermann, R. Simpkins, S., Eccles, J., & Oppermann, E. (2024, July). Gender-Specific Relations between Parents' Math Self-Concepts and their Children's: Encouragement and Performance Expectations as Potential Mediators. Poster presentation at the 7th biennial conference of the international Network Gender & STEM.
Feige, P., Lazarides, R. & Watermann, R. (2024, März). Untersuchung der reziproken Beziehung zwischen Prüfungsangst und Vermeidungsleistungszielen. Poster Präsentation auf der 11. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) in Potsdam (prämiert mit dem 3. Posterpreis).
Feige, P. & Watermann, R. (2024, März). Wahrgenommene soziale Integration, elterliche Kontrolle und Autonomieunterstützung: Differentielle Effekte auf die Prüfungsangst von Jungen und Mädchen in der Zeit des Schulübergangs.In L. Kuhr, C. Beese, L. Scholz, & P. Feige, Angst im Schulkontext: Operationalisierung, Einflussfaktoren und Auswirkungen in der Grundschule und der Zeit des Schulübergangs. Symposium auf der 11. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) in Potsdam.
Feige, P. & Watermann, R. (2023). Soziale Einflüsse auf die Prüfungsangst von Jungen und Mädchen während des Übergangs zur Sekundarschule: Die Rolle von Eltern und Gleichaltrigen. Vortrag auf der 87. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF).