Selected Publications
Daniel, A. & Watermann, R. (2018). The role of perceived benefits, costs and probability of success in students’ plans for higher education. A quasi-experimental test of rational choice theory. European Sociological Review.
Arens, A.K. & Watermann, R. (2017). Political efficacy in adolescence: Development, gender differences, and outcome relations. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication.
Daniel, A., Watermann, R. & Maaz, K. (2017). Sind studienbezogene Kosten-Nutzen-Abwägungen veränderbar? Die Effektivität einer schulischen Intervention zur Verringerung sozialer Ungleichheiten beim Hochschulzugang. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft.
Hildebrandt, J. & Watermann, R. (2017). Motivationale Entwicklung am Grundschulübergang: Theorien und Befunde im Überblick [Motivational development at the transition to secondary school]. In P. Noack & B. Kracke (Hrsg.), Handbuch für Erziehungs- und Entwicklungspsychologie [Handbook of Educational and Developmental Psychology]. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Watermann, R., Maaz, K., Bayer, S. & Roczen, N. (2017). Social background. In S. Kuger, E. Klieme, N. Jude and D. Kaplan (Eds.), Assessing contexts of learning. An international perspective. Springer International Publishing, 117-145.
Arens, A.K., Möller, J. & Watermann, R. (2016). Extending the internal/external frame of reference model to social studies: Self-concept and achievement in history and politics. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 91-99.
Rottach, A., Blüthmann, I. & Watermann, R. (in press). Studienqualität und Verbleibsquoten im Masterstudium. Eine Analyse auf Studiengangsebene zum Zusammenhang von Qualitätsmerkmalen von Masterstudiengängen und Verbleibsquoten [Correlating program quality and retention rates for MSc degrees; a program-level analysis examining the influence of program characteristics, structure, and content on student retention rates]. Empirische Pädagogik [Empirical Pedagogy].
Zhang, Y., Watermann, R. & Daniel, A. (2016). Are multiple goals in elementary students beneficial for their school achievement? A latent class analysis. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, 100-110.
Winter-Hölzl, A., Wäschle, K., Wittwer, J., Watermann, R. & Nückles. M. (2015). Entwicklung und Validierung eines Tests zur Erfassung des Genrewissens Studierender und Promovierender der Bildungswissenschaften. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 61 (Beiheft 61), 185-202.
Arens, A.K., Morin, A.J.S, & Watermann, R. (2015). Relations between classroom disciplinary problems and student motivation: Achievement as a potential mediator? Learning and Instruction, 39, 184-193.
Arens, A. K., & Watermann, R. (2015). How an early transition to high-ability secondary schools affects students' academic self-concept: Contrast effects, assimilation effects, and differential stability. Learning and Individual Differences, 37, 64–71.
Watermann, R., Daniel, A. & Maaz, K. (2014). Primäre und sekundäre Disparitäten des Hochschulzugangs: Erklärungsmodelle, Datengrundlagen und Entwicklungen [Primary and secondary inequalities of the transition to university: explanatory models, data basis and developments]. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft[German Journal of Educational Science], 24 (Special issue), 233-261.
Arens, K., Yeung, A.S., Craven, R.G., Watermann, R. & Hasselhorn, M. (2013). Does the timing of transition matter? Comparison of German students' self-perceptions before and after transition to secondary school. International Journal of Educational Research, 57, 1-11.
Paulick, I., Watermann, R. & Nückles, M. (2012). Achievement goals and school achievement: The transition to different school tracks in secondary school. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 38, 75-86.
Kreuter, F., Eckman, S., Maaz, K. & Watermann, R. (2010). Children’s Reports of Parents‘ Education Level: Does it Matter Whom You Ask and What You Ask About? Survey Research Methods, 4, 127-138.
Aust, K., Watermann, R. & Grube, D. (2010). Selbstkonzeptentwicklung und Zielorientierungen nach dem Übergang von der Grundschule in die weiterführende Schule [Development of self-concept and the influence of goal orientation following transition to secondary school]. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie [German Journal of Educational Psychology], 24, 95-109.
Warwas, J., Nagy, G., Watermann, R. & Hasselhorn, M. (2009). The Relations of Vocational Interests and Mathematical Literacy: On the Predictive Power of Interest Profiles. Journal of Career Assessment, 17, 417-438.