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Dr. Catrinel Crăciun

Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft und Psychologie

Arbeitsbereich Qualitative Sozial- und Bildungsforschung

Contract Teacher

Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin

Areas of Specialization
  • evidence based intervention in health promotion

  • social cognitive and cultural factors in health

  • health and doctor patient communication

  • health and quality of life in old age

Job Position
  • 10/2015 - 04/2016

    Gastprofessorin im Rahmen der Internationalen Gastprofessur für Geschlechterforschung der Internationalen Netzwerkuniversität an der Freien Universität Berlin

  • 2012 - 2014

Humboldt Fellow at the Free University of Berlin with the project “Resources for Positive Aging”, working with Prof. Dr. Uwe Flick

  • 2012

Lecturer in Health Psychology, Department of Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca

  • 2009 - 2011

Teaching Assistant at the Department of Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca

  • 2004 - 2011

Researcher in the health psychology research group, the Romanian Association of Health Psychology

  • 05.11.2007 - 13.12. 2010

PhD program in health psychology, Freie Universität, Berlin, supervised by Prof. Ralf Schwarzer

PhD Degree with Magna cum Laude, obtained on 13.12.2010 with the thesis “Motivational and volitional processes in sunscreen use: A longitudinal online experiment”

  • 01.10.2004 - 01.07.2006

Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology

Master in psychological counseling and health psychology

MA Degree with thesis “The Role of Implementation Intentions in changing children’s eating behavior”

  • 01.02.2005 - 01.07.2005

Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Master in Health psychology

Master program, Erasmus exchange program

“Health and Illness Intervention Methods”, “Health promotion interventions”, “Research methods in health psychology”, “Group intervention in health psychology”, “Neuropsychology and health”

  • 01.10.2000 - 01.07.2004

Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology


Bachelor Degree with a health psychology thesis “Children’s representation of pain”

Additional Professional Training
  • september 2011

Synergy workshop, “Testing Theory within Individuals: Theoretical issues and the use of N-1 designs and related methods of data analysis”, Crete; facilitators Derek Johnston, Marie Johnston, Diane Dixon

  • september 2010

CREATE workshop “Advancing the science of behavior change: methods and theories”, facilitators: Hein de Vries, Matthijs Eggers and Daniela Schulz

  • september 2009

CREATE workshop “Advancing the science of behavior change: methods and theories”, facilitators: Susan Michie, Falko Sniehotta, David French

  • october 2006

Maastricht University and “Iuliu Hateganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, health education and promotion workshop “Cancer Prevention and health promotion”, facilitators: Prof. Hein de Vries and Prof. Ilse Mesters

  • september 2006

CREATE workshop, “Stress, Coping and Social Support”, facilitators: Ralf Schwarzer, Krys Kaniatsky, and Alexandra Luszczynska

  • august 2006

Central Eastern University (CEU), Budapest, summer school “Gender, Inequality and Health”, public health, gender issues, social inequality, health psychology, sociology, anthropology

  • april 2005

Desine Moi Un Sourire, France, Animation for children in war stricken areas

Professional Experience
  • 2004 - 2012

Teaching Assistant for “Health Psychology” Course (Health Promotion and Clinical Health Psychology); Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Courses and seminars taught:

  • Health and quality of life promotion in old age (2010 - 2012)

  • Stress management (2011)

  • Behavior and health (2012)

  • Health Psychology (2004 - 2010)

  • Practice in health psychology (2009 - 2010)

  • Introduction in psychology (2009 - 2010)

  • 2010 (september)

European Health Psychology Society and Create workshop organizer at the EHPS Conference in Cluj Napoca

  • 2004 - 2011

Romanian Association of Health Psychology

Since 01.01.2007 Vice president

  • Researcher for the project Psychosocial, Political and Gendered Dimensions of Preventive Technologies in Bulgaria and Romania: HPV Vaccine Implementation (2011 - 2012)

  • Researcher for the project “Increasing access to high quality primary prevention services for children and adolescents in Romania: healthy eating and physical activity”- financed by Norway Inovation research grant; project in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (2009 - 2011)

  • Researcher for the FP7 “Temptations to eat moderated by personal and environmental self-regulatory tools”, financed by UE (2008 - 2011)

  • Researcher in research team for the “Social Exclusion” project funded by EU and Amici dei Bambini, Italy

  • Principal deputy, Researcher in research team for “Health Behavior in Romanian School Children” HBSC/WHO project

  • Researcher in research team for “Children in a Changing World” project funded by Jacobs Foundation

  • Facilitator inside the “Tuberculosis management, the DOT strategy” program, developed by Doctors of the World (USA) in collaboration with The Romanian Ministry of Health, “The National Program of Tuberculosis Control” and USAID - developing skills for working with patients from vulnerable groups (e.g. gypsies, patients with low education level etc.)

  • Program coordinator and Trainer for the “Enhancing communication skills in nurses” project; course accredited by the Nurses College, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj

  • Program coordinator and trainer for a program devised to reduce work stress for oncology nurses and prevent the burnout syndrome in oncology nurses; the course was accredited by the Nurses College, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj. The program is being done in collaboration with the Romanian Cancer Society

  • Facilitator in a “Stress management intervention program for interpreters”, Program included in the MA program of the Applied Modern Language course at Babes-Bolyai University

  • Researcher, member of the research team for “Psychosocial and Health System Dimensions of Cervical Screening in Romania” project, realized in collaboration with Engender Health (New York, USA) and funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  • Program coordinator and trainer for a program of applying motivational interviewing with parents and therapeutic activities with children within Pediatric hospitals

Volunteer Work Experience
  • 2009 - 2011

  • Transperfect Translations, USA
  • GlobaLink Translations Ltd., Canada
  • 2006 - 2010

Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Trainer for the “MAGISTER” program

Trainer for the “DIE” program (Developing Emotional Intelligence)

  • august 2005

“Desine Moi un Sourire” Foundation, France

Animator for children in a Youth Exchange program

Participation in an animation summer camp with the purpose of promoting the values of interethnic tolerance, organized for the children from war stricken areas in Croatia

  • 2005

Romanian Cancer Society

volunteer for event organization

participating in the organization of a funds gathering event (medical equipment exhibition and artistic show) for the oncology patients

  • 2003 - 2004

EXPERT” Center for psychological counseling and psychotherapy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca

  • 2002 - 2005

“Expert” Center of psychological counseling and psychotherapy

  • 2002 - 2004

Neuropsychiatry Hospital for Children and Adolescents

psychological counseling for children, group activities for children, diagnose and psychological evaluation of the children, support counseling for parents

  • 2002 - 2003

Happy Kids Kindergarten

  • 2009 

Young Researcher Award at the European Health Psychology Conference in Pisa, Italy

  • 2008

European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) conference grant, Bath, UK

  • 2006

European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) conference and workshop grant, Warsaw, Poland

winter semester 2016/17
  • MA- PracticeSeminar II 12116: "Einführung in die qualitative Forschung"
    (Master's degree program "Bildungswissenschaft")

summer semester 2016
  • Course 12065 "Methodische Ansätze der Erhebung und Auswertung in der qualitativen Sozialforschung"

    (Bachelor’s degree program: "Bildungs- und Erziehungswissenschaft")

winter semester 2015/16
  • MA-Practice Seminar II 12111: "Einfürhung in die qualitative Forschung"

    (Master's degree program "Bildungswissenschaft")

  • Researcher for the project “Resources for Positive Aging”, Humboldt Fellow at the Free University of Berlin, working with Prof. Dr. Uwe Flick (2012 - 2014)

  • Researcher for the project Psychosocial, Political and Gendered Dimensions of Preventive Technologies in Bulgaria and Romania: HPV Vaccine Implementation (2011 - 2012)

  • Researcher for the project “Increasing access to high quality primary prevention services for children and adolescents in Romania: healthy eating and physical activity”- financed by Norway Inovation research grant; project in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (2009 - 2011)

  • Researcher for the FP7 “Temptations to eat moderated by personal and environmental self-regulatory tools”, financed by UE (2008 - 2011)

  • Researcher in research team for the “Social Exclusion” project funded by EU and Amici dei Bambini, Italy

  • Principal deputy, Researcher in research team for “Health Behavior in Romanian School Children” HBSC/WHO project

  • Researcher in research team for “Children in a Changing World” project funded by Jacobs Foundation

  • Facilitator inside the “Tuberculosis management, the DOT strategy” program, developed by Doctors of the World (USA) in collaboration with The Romanian Ministry of Health, “The National Program of Tuberculosis Control” and USAID - developing skills for working with patients from vulnerable groups (e.g. gypsies, patients with low education level etc.)

  • Program coordinator and Trainer for the “Enhancing communication skills in nurses” project; course accredited by the Nurses College, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj

  • Program coordinator and trainer for a program devised to reduce work stress for oncology nurses and prevent the burnout syndrome in oncology nurses; the course was accredited by the Nurses College, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj. The program is being done in collaboration with the Romanian Cancer Society

  • Facilitator in a “Stress management intervention program for interpreters”, Program included in the MA program of the Applied Modern Language course at Babes-Bolyai University

  • Researcher, member of the research team for “Psychosocial and Health System Dimensions of Cervical Screening in Romania” project, realized in collaboration with Engender Health (New York, USA) and funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  • Program coordinator and trainer for a program of applying motivational interviewing with parents and therapeutic activities with children within Pediatric hospitals


Crăciun, C., & Flick, U. (2015). The Role of Health Professionals in Positive Aging: Translating Positive Views of Aging into Practice. In A. M. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 109 (pp. 47-54). New York, NY: Nova publishers.

Craciun, C., Baban, A. (2013). A lifespan approach to promoting physical activity: insights from research and practice, In: C. Mohyeddini (Ed.), Advances in the Psychology of Sport & Exercise, pp. 61-77, Nova Science Publications, ISBN: 978-1-62618-932-4.

Craciun, C., Baban, A. (2011). Behavior modification and stress management techniques in treating the irritable bowel syndrome: the effectiveness of the Health Action Process Approach Model, In: D.L. Dumitrascu, V. Drug (Eds.), Functional and Motility Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract, Cluj Napoca: Editura Medicala Universitara Iuliu Hatieganu, published with the financial help of Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, pp. 447-455.

Craciun, C., (2011). Process Evaluation, In: A.Baban (Ed.). Comportamentul alimentar si activitatea fizica la elevii din Romania. Cercetarea, promovarea si monitorizarea comportmantelor de sanatate [Eating habits and physical activity in Romanian pupils. Researching, promoting and monitoring health behavior]. Cluj Napoca: Rizo Print. pp.76-86.

Baban, A., Craciun, C. (2010). Internal and external assets and Romanian adolescents’ health: an evidence based approach to health promoting schools policy, In: A. Morgan, M. Davies, Ziglio, E. (Eds). Health Assets in a Global Context: Theory, Methods and Action, NY: Springer. pp . 321-337.

Craciun, C., Baban, A. (2009). Motivational Interviewing: application principles and its relevance for clinical practice, In: D. Dumitrascu (Ed.), Current problems in biopsyhosomaticmedicine, Cluj Napoca: Medical University Press, pp. 223-229.

Craciun, C. (forthcoming, 2011). “Sexual Health in Adolescents” In: A. Baban (Ed.), Health behavior in Romanian school-aged children, Cluj Napoca: Univeristy Press.

Craciun, C. (forthcoming, 2011). “Social Capital and Health in Adolescents” In: A. Baban (Ed.), Health behavior in Romanian school-aged children, Cluj Napoca: Univeristy Press.

Craciun, C. (forthcoming, 2011). “Perceptions of health and lifestyle in children and adolescents” In: A. Baban (Ed.), Health behavior in Romanian school-aged children, Cluj Napoca: University Press.

Baban, A., Craciun, C., Balazsi, R., Ghenea, R. & Olsawsky, V. (2008). Romania: Facing the

Challenge of Translating Research into Practice, Policy and Partnerships to Promote Mental Health among Adolescents. In: Social Cohesion for Mental Wellbeing among Adolescents, Copenhaga: WHO, pp. 168-183.


Crăciun, C., & Flick, U. (2015). "I want to be 100 years old, but I smoke too much": Exploring the gap between positive aging goals and reported preparatory actions in different social circumstances. Journal of Aging Studies, 35, 49-54.

Crăciun, C., & Flick, U. (2015). I wonder if robots will take care of me when I am old: Positive aging representations of professionals working in health promotion services. Journal of Health Psychology, doi:10.1177/1359105315587141.

Crăciun, C., Gellert, P., & Flick, U. (2015). Is healthy ageing for all? The role of positive views on ageing in preparing for a healthy old age in a precarious context. The European Health Psychologist (ehps), 17, 2, pp. 79-84.

Crăciun, C., Flick, U. (2014). "I will never be the granny with rosy cheeks": Perceptions of aging in precarious and financially secure middle-aged Germans. Journal of aging studies, 29, 78-87.

Anghel, B.I., Craciun, C. (2013). Self-medication with over-the counter drugs and antibiotics in Romanian consumers: a qualitative study. Cogntion, Brain& Behavior, Volume XVII, No. 3 (September), 215-235.

Craciun, C. (2012). Social capital in Romanian old people: meaning s and opportunities for health.Aging International. DOI 10.1007/s12126-012-9157-0. (ISI).

Craciun, C., Baban, A., Penta, M. (2012). “Who will take the blame?”: Understanding reasons why Romanian mothers don’t vaccinate their daughters. Vaccine, Doi 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.09.016.

Craciun, C., Zaharia, C., Radu, S., Rusan, A. (2012). Is being old what you see in the mirror? Social construction of the process of ageing. Cognition, Brain & Behavior. Volume XVI, No. 4 (December), 495-508.

Craciun, C., Taut, D., Baban, A. (2012). Self-regulatory strategies for eating behaviour in children and adolescents: a concept mapping approach. Creier, Cognitie, Comportament, March, 1, vol. XVI, 410-426.

*Craciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Enhancing planning strategies for sunscreen use at different stages of change. Health Education Research, 27, 857-867.

Craciun, C. (2012). Successful aging-utopia or the result of lifelong learning? Meaning and representations of ageing in Romanian elders, submitted to Ageing International. 4,373-385.

*Craciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2011). A Mediator Model of Sunscreen Use: A Longitudinal Analysis of Social-Cognitive Predictors and Mediators, In: International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, DOI 10.1007/s12529-011-9153-x.

 *Craciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2011), Facilitating Sunscreen Use in Women by a Theory-Based Online Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Health Psychology. DOI: 10.1177/1359105311414955.

 *Craciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2011), Translating Intentions into Sunscreen Use: An Interaction of Self-Efficacy and Appearance Norms, Psychology, Health & Medicine. DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2011.613941.

Kallay, E., Craciun, C., Vonas, G., Baban, A. (2011). Sexual health and sexual behavior among Romanian adolescents. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol XV, 1, 57-68.

*Craciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2010). Risk perception moderates how intentions are translated into sunscreen use. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 392-398. DOI 10.1007/s10865-010-9269-5.

Mereuta, O., & Craciun, C. (2009), Parents Illness Perceptions, Maladaptive Behaviors, and their Influence on the Emotional Distress of the Child, a pilot study on Romanian Pediatric Cancer Group, vol. XIII, 207-217.

Craciun, C., & Baban, A. (2008). Exploring smoking in Romanian Adolescents: Prevalence, predictors and meanings of smoking. Cognition, Brain, Behavior: an Interdisciplinary Journal, 4 Creier, Cognitie, Comportament, 435-452.

Craciun, C., & Baban, A. (2008). The role of self-efficacy, past habit and action plans in children’s eating habits. Creier, Cognitie, Comportament, 2, 205-218.

Baban, A., Kallay, E., & Craciun, C. (2008). The role of educational counseling in the secondary profilaxy of cardio-vascular diseases in women at menopause, Academia Română, Filiala Cluj-Napoca Institutul de Istorie „George Bariţiu”, Departamentul de Cercetări Socio-Umane, Studii şi cercetări din domeniul ştiinţelor socio-umane, vol. 17.

Baban, A., & Craciun, C. (2007) Changing Health-Risk Behaviors: a Review of Theory and Evidence-Based Interventions in Health Psychology. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychoterapies, VII,1: 45-66.

Szentagotai, A , Craciun, C. (2005) “Children’s’ representations of pain”, Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol. IX, nr. 1, 85-96.

* based on the PhD thesis


Baban, A., Craciun, C., Kallay, E., & Balazi, R. (2009), The role of social capital in explaining differences in Romanian adolescents health and risk behavior, Psychology & Health, pp.87.

Cao, D., Schwarzer, R., Wiedeman, A., Craciun, C., Xie, G., & Kreausukon, P., (2009), Exercise social support and perceived self-efficacy have effects on adolescents extracurricular physical activity, Psychology & Health, pp. 120.

Craciun, C., & Mallach, N., (2009), What makes intenders plan and planners act? Analysing the relation between intentions, planning and sunscreen use, Psychology & Health, pp. 139.

Todorova, I., Baban, A., Alexandrova-Karamanova, A., & Craciun, C. (2009), Social and contextual themes in adolescents narratives of health, food and the body, Psychology & Health, pp 385.

Baban, A., Craciun, C., Marcu, O., Balazsi, R. (2007) Social determinants of health and wellbeing among Romanian adolescents, Health Psychology Review, 1, 280-281.

Craciun, C., Baban, A. (2007) Action plans and children’s healthy eating behaviour: mediating and moderating effects of self-efficacy, Health Psychology Review, 1, 262-263.

  • 2011 

Process Evaluation Research Report on School and Kindergarten Interventions

  • 2011

Process Evaluation Research Report of the Institutional Development

  • 2011

Process Evaluation Research Report on the Mass-media Campaign VIATA.

  • 2007

“A practical guide for parents of hospitalized children”, booklet targeted at parents of hospitalized children, a guide to help them cope with experience of having a hospitalized child and help their children cope better with hospitalization

  • 2008

“A practical guide for parents of children with cardiovascular disease”

  • 2008

“A practical guide for parents of children with cancer”

  • 2008

“A practical guide for parents of children with diabetes”


2007, book review “Analiza de continut”[Content analysis], author Mircea Agabrian, In: Brain, Cognition, Behavior, June, no.2, vol. XI.

2006, book review “Sexuality and Gender in Post communist Eastern Europe and Russia”, Aleksandr Stulhofer and Theo Standfort (editors), Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol. X, no.1, march 2006.

  • 2012, Humboldt Conference, Individual and Personal Resources for Healthy Aging

  • 2012, EHPS Conference Prague, Social Capital in Romanian Elderly

  • 2011, 3rd International Symposium on Neurogastroenterology, Neurogastro Humboldt Kolleg, Iasi, Romania, with the paper “Behavioral modification and stress management techniques in treating the irritable bowel syndrome: The effectiveness of the Health Action Process Approach Model”.

  • 2011, Eurpean Health Psychology Conference (EHPS), Crete, paper accepted for oral presentation “Successful aging?-Experiences and representations of aging in Romanian men and women”.

  • 2011, German Congress of Health Psychology, Berlin, oral presentation “Stage-Matched Interventions to Enhance Planning Strategies for Sunscreen Use”.

  • 2010, Eurpean Health Psychology Conference (EHPS), Cluj Napoca, “Beyond risk perceptioon: risk perception moderates how intentions are translated into sunscreen use”, Craciun C. Schuz, N., Lippke, S., Schwarzer, R.

  • 2009, European Health Psycholgy Conference (EHPS), Pisa, “What makes intenders plan and planners act? Analysing the relation between intentions, planning and sunscreen use”, winner of the Young Researcher Award

  • 2009, European Health Psychology Conference (EHPS), Pisa, discussant at roundtable on “Health Psychology across Europe: key issues, challenges and prospects”, with the presentation “Health Psychology in Romania, present developments and future challenges

  • 2008, European Health Psychology Conference (EHPS), Bath: The impact of self efficacy and school social capital on perceived mental and physical health of Romanian adolescents”

  • 2008, XXIX International Congress of Psychology, Berlin: “The role of self-efficacy, past habit and action plans in children’s fruit intake”

  • 2007, European Health Psychology Conference (EHPS) Maastricht: “Action plans and Children’s healthy eating behaviour: mediating and moderating effects of self-efficacy

  • 2007, WHO/HBSC Forum, “Social cohesion for Mental Wellbeing among Adolescents” case study review meeting, Gran Canary Islands: Romania: Facing the Challenge of Translating Research into Practice, Policy and Partnerships to Promote Mental Health among Adolescents”

  • 2007, International conference of psychosomatic medicine, Cluj: “Counseling psychosomatic patients: the use of motivational interviewing to promote risk behavior change”

  • 2006, EHPS conference, Warsaw: “Changing children’s eating habits, is motivation enough?-the role of implementation intentions

  • 2003, Romanian Psychology Student Conference, Cluj: “Differences in social identity in several Romanian gypsy groups”, winner of first prize