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Second edition of "The SAGE Qualitative Research Kit" published

The SAGE Qualitative Research Kit (edited by Uwe Flick) has been published at the end of September 2017 in an extended, revised edition, which now includes ten volumes.

News from Oct 25, 2017

The SAGE Qualitative Research Kit (edited by Uwe Flick) has been published at the end of September 2017 in an extended, revised edition, which now includes ten volumes.


The following books have been updated, revised and extended:

Designing Qualitative Research, Uwe Flick

Doing Interviews, Svend Brinkmann and Steinar Kvale

Doing Focus Groups, Rosaline Barbour

Using Visual Data in Qualitative Research, Marcus Banks

Analyzing Qualitative Data, Graham R. Gibbs

Doing Conversation, Discourse and Document Analysis, Tim Rapley

Managing Quality in Qualitative Research, Uwe Flick


The following books have been newly added:

Doing Ethnography, Amanda Coffey

Doing Grounded Theory, Uwe Flick 

Doing Triangulation and Mixed Methods, Uwe Flick

You can find it here.


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