MRI Study at the CCNB in five steps
(1) Application for an MRI study
To apply for an MRI study at the CCNB, please fill-in the application form and e-mail it to
(2) Cooperation contract
A cooperation contract has to be prepared and signed by study's principal investigator and the CCNB management. Daniela Satici-Thies will assist you to set up the contract and complete formalities.
(3) Study presentation at the CCNB seminar
The researcher(s) are welcome to present their study at the seminar which serves as a forum to get feedback on the design from the CCNB community.
(4) User training and pilot measurements
(4A) Only for users affiliated with the Freie Universität Berlin: Complete the Advance MR User Training with Christian Kainz, if you wish to profit from flexible measurement slots.
(4B) Perform a pilot measurement. Contact our MR-Physicists (Evgeniya Kirilina and Till Nierhaus) to arrange and perform technical preparations and a pilot measurement for your study. During the pilot measurements you will be introduced to the laboratory order, obtain an MR safety briefing and will be granted access to the MR-DICOM server for further data access.
(5) Start to measure
You are ready to start measurements. Please arrange scanner bookings with Christian Kainz.
MR Physicists Team
Dr. Evgeniya Kirilina Tel. +49 (0)30 838 51261 Dr. Till Nierhaus Tel. +49 (0)30 838 51261 |
Medical Technical Assistance
Christian Kainz Tel. +49 (0)30 838 55724 |
Daniela Satici-Thies Tel. +49 (0)30 838 58644 |