Title: Towards a holistic approach for human adaptation
Can our breakfast reprogram our decisions throughout the day? In last decades, decision neuroscience research has been focusing on its underlying brain mechanisms. It has been neglected that several bodily processes interact with the brain to enable successful adaptation. External information must be interpreted in the light of internal bodily states, which enables predictive coding regulating behavior accordingly. Here, I will present dynamic body-brain interactions that regulate adaptive behavior. Using food intake as a model mechanism, I demonstrate how food reprograms our motivation, adaptation, and even social interactions throughout the day via regulating metabo-neural pathways. Furthermore, I will present how we can
regulate our bodily responses to the environment and thereby impact the brain function and decisions. With this talk, I emphasize the importance of the holistic nature of decision neuroscience as a transdisciplinary research field.
Webex-Link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=mc2d5dd25a947a8d2679c91ad1a3c6cb8
Time & Location
Jan 13, 2025 | 04:00 PM