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Matthew Self

May 10, 2021 | 04:00 PM


Laminar processing of feedforward and feedback signals in visual cortex

Affiliation:       Netherlands Institue for Neuroscience

Abstract:         The neocortex of mammals is arranged into 6 layers and we have a good understanding of the anatomical connections of cells in the different layers. We still however lack a clear understanding of the functions of different layers and how information is passed through laminar circuits. In this talk, I will explore how feedforward visual processes, such as the generation of receptive-field tuning, and feedback processes such as figure-ground modulation, attentional selection and working memory activate the different layers of the primary visual cortex. I will discuss work in mice, monkeys and humans and relate the electrophysiological data in animal models to the growing field of laminar fMRI.

Webex-Link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=m7ba65bb98557b0ca208470dbe4f4fbfe