European Journal of Futures Research: 13 neue Artikel veröffentlicht
Im European Journal of Futures Research (EJFR) sind 13 neue Artikel erschienen. Das EJFR ist eine englischsprachige Zeitschrift, die nach dem Peer-Review-Verfahren arbeitet. Die Inhalte stehen unter Open Access kostenfrei zur Verfügung.
News vom 07.12.2016
Folgende neue Artikel sind im EJFR erschienen:
- Leire San-Jose, Jose Luis Retolaza: Is the Delphi method valid for business ethics? A survey analysis
- Roey Tzezana: Scenarios for crime and terrorist attacks using the internet of things
- Andrea Cederquist, Ulrich Golüke: Teaching with scenarios: a social innovation to foster learning and social change in times of great uncertainty
- Magnus Dahlstedt, Maria Olson: Ana’s tragedy – and Europe’s a contemplation over Romani, belonging and the conditioned citizenship making in a Europe of migration
- Judit Gáspár: Future creation in the strategising practice of a Hungarian company
- Emmanuel G. Koukios: Innovation explosion catalysed by foresight-results of an experiment
- Riccardo Apreda, Andrea Bonaccorsi: Functional technology foresight. A novel methodology to identify emerging technologies
- Angela Wilkinson: Using strategic foresight methods to anticipate and prepare for the jobs-scarce economy
- Denis Lacroix, Bernard David, Véronique Lamblin: Interactions between oceans and societies in 2030: challenges and issues for research
- Juho Ruotsalainen, Sirkka Heinonen: Peer-to-peer work in the digital meaning society 2050
- Anette Braun, Axel Zweck, Dirk Holtmannspötter: The ambiguity of intelligent algorithms: job killer or supporting assistant
- Niklas Gudowsky, Walter Peissl: Human centred science and technology—transdisciplinary foresight and co-creation as tools for active needs-based innovation governance
- Jón Torfi Jónasson: Educational change, inertia and potential futures