PD Dr. Irina Catrinel Crăciun

Assoziiertes Mitglied im Arbeitsbereich
PD Dr. Crăciun arbeitet im Bereich Digital Global Health am Hasso-Plattner Institut, Mehr Informationen unter
PD Dr. Crăciun is working in the field of digital global health at the Hasso Plattner Institute, for more information please visit
Postdoc Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Digital global health, Hasso-Plattner Institut, Potsdam, Deutschland | 2023-2026
Dozentin qualitative Forschung und Entwicklung Psychologie, Positive Psychologie und Prävention in Unternehmen Kontext | Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland | 2015-2023
Junior Professur Gesundheitspsychologie | Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Rumänien | 2012-2021
Gastprofessur Gender und Gesundheit | Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland | 2015-2016
Post-doc, finanziert von Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung| Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland | 2012-2014
Dozentin Gesundheitspsychologie | Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien | 2009-2012
- Seminar qualitative Forschung (MA, 28 h, 4 ECTS, Deutsch)
- Seminar Entwicklung im mittleren und hohen Alter (BA, 28 h, 4 ECTS, Deutsch)
- Seminar Gender und Gesundheit (BA, 28h, 4 ECTS, Deutsch)
- Seminar Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (BA, 28h, 4 ECTS, Deutsch)
- Seminar “Stress Bewältigung” (BA, 28h, 4 ECTS, Deutsch)
- Vorlesung und Seminar “Entwicklung und Testen von Verhaltensänderung Interventionen” (MA, 56 h, 6 ECTS, Rumänisch)
- Vorlesung und Seminar “Gesundheitsförderung im Alter” (MA, 56 h, 6 ECTS, Rumänisch)
- Vorlesung “Health psychology: Theories and models” (BA, 28h, 6 ECTS, Rumänisch und English)
- Supervision von mehr als 40 BA Arbeiten, 20 MA Arbeiten and co-supervision von 4 PhDs
Research Projects:
- 01.01.2023 PrecAge: Socio-emotional development in precarious times
- 01.10.2022-Access to health care services in Costa Rica during the Corona Pandemic. A comparison between Costa Rican Nationals and Nicaraguan migrants, a collaboration with The University of Costa Rica.
- 01.10.2020-31.09.2021, “Representation of ageing on Twitter during the Corona Pandemic”, Freie Universität Berlin.
- 01.06.2020-31.12.2020, „Social Distancing und new forms of spatial interaction“, sponsored by Berlin University Alliance. Technische Universität Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin.
- 01.01.2018-31.12.2019, “Views on ageing among Romanian children and adolescents”, Romanian Health Psychology Organization.
- 01.10.2015-01.10.2018, “Views on ageing among Romanian General Practitioners”, Romanian Health Psychology Organization.
- 01.09.2012-31.08.2014 “Resources for positive ageing”, sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
- 01.10.2011-01.09.2012 “Psychosocial, Political and Gendered Dimensions of Preventive Technologies in Bulgaria and Romania: HPV Vaccine Implementation”, Romanian Health Psychology Society.
- 01.10.2008-31.12.2011 “Temptations to eat moderated by personal and environmental self-regulatory tools”, FP7 Project EU.
- 01.12.2011-01.12.2012 “Changing self-perceptions on aging to enhance personal resources for the promotion of physical activity in older people”, a collaboration between Romania, Germany, Italy and France, financed by the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)
- 01.10.2009-31.12.2011 “Increasing access to high quality primary prevention services for children and adolescents in Romania: healthy eating and physical activity”- Norway Innovation and Romanian Ministry of Health
- 01.10.2011-31.08.2012 “Therapeutic Stories for children with cancer“, Romanian Health Psychology Association, Romania
- 01.10.2006-31.12.2009 “Using Motivational Interviewing for parents of children with cancer“, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Romania Romanian Cancer Society
- Since 01.03.2006 “Health Behavior in Romanian School Children” HBSC, World Health Organization
- 01.01.2006-31.08.2007 “Social Exclusion”, EU und Amici dei Bambini, Italy.
- 01.07.2004-01.02.2005 “Psychosocial and Health System Dimensions of Cervical Screening in Romania”, Engender Health (New York, USA), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- 01.10.2006-31.08.2007 “Enhancing communication skills in nurses” Nurses College, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 01.10.2006-31.08.2007 „Stress Management und Burnout Prevention in Nurses in the Oncology Clinic“, Iuliu Hațeganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Romanian Cancer Society
- 01.10.2006-31.08.2007 “Tuberculosis management, the DOT strategy” program, Doctors of the World (USA), Romanian Health Ministry and “The National Program of Tuberculosis Control” USAID
Habilitation im Fach Psychologie, 2023, Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland, „Growing old in precarious times. Implications for fostering development and positive ageing”
Phd Im Fach Gesundheitspsychologie | 2007-2010, | Freie Universität Berlin, Deutschland
“Motivational and volitional processes in sunscreen use: A longitudinal online experiment” (supervision Prof. Dr. Ralf Schwarzer), Magna cum Laude
MA Klinische Psychologie und Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie |2004-2006 | Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien
BA Psychologie | 2000-2004 | Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien
Mitglied in Organizatioen und Grämien
- Von 2007 National Delegate for Romania at the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)
- Von 2007 Vice-President of the Romanian Health Psychology Society
- Von 2010, Scientific Committee EHPS
- Von 2013 Editorial Board European Health Psychologist
- Von 2017, National Editor for the Practical Health Psychology Blog
- 2007 DAAD PhD Scholarship
- 2009 Young Researcher Award at the EHPS Conference, in Pisa, Italy
- 2011 EHPS International Research Networking Grant
- 2012 Alexander von Humboldt Post Doc Scholarship
- 2014 Japanese Health Psychology Society Tokyo, Japan
- 2020 Excellent scientific results price offered by the Romanian Scientific Society
- Positive Psychologie Beratung
- Testing Theories and Interventions with Individuals
- Designing Computer Tailored Interventions
- Implementing Intervention Mapping
- Motivational Interviewing
Ehrenamtliche Engagemnt
- 2004 Romanian Cancer Society
- 2005 EU Project Desine Moi un Surire, France and work in Croatia therapeutic play with children from war-stricken areas in Croatia
- English: proficiency level, Cambridge Proficiency Certificate
- Deutsch: proficiency level, Goethe Certificate C1
- Rumänisch- Muttersprache
- Französisch (A2), Portuguese (B1), Spanish (B2) Italian (A1)
Ad-Hoc Reviewer
“Journal of Aging Studies”, “Gerontologist”, “Aging International”, “Psychology and Health“. “International Journal of Public Health”, “Journal of Behavioral Medicine”, “Psychology, Health & Medicine”, “Vaccine”
Postdoc researcher, Digital global health, Hasso-Plattner Institut, Potsdam, Germany | 2023-2026
Lecturer for qualitative methodology and healthy ageing across the lifespan | Freie Universität Berlin, Germany | 2015-2023
Assistant professor in health psychology | Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Romania | 2012-2021
Guest professor for gender and health | Freie Universität Berlin, Germany | 2015-2016
Post-doc sponsored by Alexander von Humboldt foundation| Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin, Germany | 2012-2014
Teaching assistant in health psychology | Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania | 2009-2012
- Seminar for qualitative methodology (MA level, 28 hours, 4 ECTS, German)
- Seminar “Development in middle and older age” (BA level, 28 hours, 4 ECTS, German)
- Seminar for qualitative methodology: applications for gender and health research (BA level, 28 hours, 4 ECTS, German)
- Seminar “Science and society” (BA level, 28 hours, 4 ECTS, German)
- Seminar “Stress reduction interventions in school context. An Intervention Mapping Approach” (BA level, 28 hours, 4 ECTS, German)
- Course and seminar “Development and testing of behavior change interventions” (MA level, 56 hours, 6 ECTS, Romanian)
- Course and seminar “Health promotion in old age” (MA level, 56 hours, 6 ECTS, Romanian)
- Course in “Health psychology: Theories and models” (BA level, 28 hours, 6 ECTS, Romanian & English)
- Supervised 40 BA thesis, 20 MA thesis and co-supervised 4 PhD thesis
Research Projects:
- Since 01.01.2023 PrecAge: Socio-emotional development in precarious times
- Since 01.10.2022-Access to health care services in Costa Rica during the Corona Pandemic. A comparison between Costa Rican Nationals and Nicaraguan migrants, a collaboration with The University of Costa Rica.
- 01.10.2020-31.09.2021, “Representation of ageing on Twitter during the Corona Pandemic”, Freie Universität Berlin.
- 01.06.2020-31.12.2020, „Social Distancing und new forms of spatial interaction“, sponsored by Berlin University Alliance. Technische Universität Berlin and Freie Universität Berlin.
- 01.01.2018-31.12.2019, “Views on ageing among Romanian children and adolescents”, Romanian Health Psychology Organization.
- 01.10.2015-01.10.2018, “Views on ageing among Romanian General Practitioners”, Romanian Health Psychology Organization.
- 01.09.2012-31.08.2014 “Resources for positive ageing”, sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
- 01.10.2011-01.09.2012 “Psychosocial, Political and Gendered Dimensions of Preventive Technologies in Bulgaria and Romania: HPV Vaccine Implementation”, Romanian Health Psychology Society.
- 01.10.2008-31.12.2011 “Temptations to eat moderated by personal and environmental self-regulatory tools”, FP7 Project EU.
- 01.12.2011-01.12.2012 “Changing self-perceptions on aging to enhance personal resources for the promotion of physical activity in older people”, a collaboration between Romania, Germany, Italy and France, financed by the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)
- 01.10.2009-31.12.2011 “Increasing access to high quality primary prevention services for children and adolescents in Romania: healthy eating and physical activity”- Norway Innovation and Romanian Ministry of Health
- 01.10.2011-31.08.2012 “Therapeutic Stories for children with cancer“, Romanian Health Psychology Association, Romania
- 01.10.2006-31.12.2009 “Using Motivational Interviewing for parents of children with cancer“, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Romania Romanian Cancer Society
- Since 01.03.2006 “Health Behavior in Romanian School Children” HBSC, World Health Organization
- 01.01.2006-31.08.2007 “Social Exclusion”, EU und Amici dei Bambini, Italy.
- 01.07.2004-01.02.2005 “Psychosocial and Health System Dimensions of Cervical Screening in Romania”, Engender Health (New York, USA), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- 01.10.2006-31.08.2007 “Enhancing communication skills in nurses” Nurses College, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- 01.10.2006-31.08.2007 „Stress Management und Burnout Prevention in Nurses in the Oncology Clinic“, Iuliu Hațeganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Romanian Cancer Society
- 01.10.2006-31.08.2007 “Tuberculosis management, the DOT strategy” program, Doctors of the World (USA), Romanian Health Ministry and “The National Program of Tuberculosis Control” USAID
Habilitation in psychology, 2023, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, „Growing old in precarious times. Implications for fostering development and positive ageing”
Phd in health psychology | 2007-2010, | Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Thesis Title: “Motivational and volitional processes in sunscreen use: A longitudinal online experiment” (supervision Prof. Dr. Ralf Schwarzer), Magna cum Laude
MA in clinical psychology and cognitive behavioural therapy |2004-2006 | Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
BA in psychology | 2000-2004 | Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Since 2007 National Delegate for Romania at the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS)
- Since 2007 Vice-President of the Romanian Health Psychology Society
- Since 2010, Scientific Committee EHPS
- Since 2013 Editorial Board European Health Psychologist
- Since 2017, National Editor for the Practical Health Psychology Blog
- 2007 DAAD PhD Scholarship
- 2009 Young Researcher Award at the EHPS Conference, in Pisa, Italy
- 2011 EHPS International Research Networking Grant
- 2012 Alexander von Humboldt Post Doc Scholarship
- 2014 Japanese Health Psychology Society Tokyo, Japan
- 2020 Excellent scientific results price offered by the Romanian Scientific Society
- Testing Theories and Interventions with Individuals
- Designing Computer Tailored Interventions
- Implementing Intervention Mapping
- Motivational Interviewing
- 2004 Romanian Cancer Society
- 2005 EU Project Desine Moi un Surire, France and work in Croatia therapeutic play with children from war-stricken areas in Croatia
- English: proficiency level, Cambridge Proficiency Certificate
- German: proficiency level, Goethe Certificate C1
- Romanian- mother tongue
- French (A2), Portuguese (B1), Spanish (B2) Italian (A1)
“Journal of Aging Studies”, “Gerontologist”, “Aging International”, “Psychology and Health“. “International Journal of Public Health”, “Journal of Behavioral Medicine”, “Psychology, Health & Medicine”, “Vaccine”
Publication List
Craciun, I.C. (2023). Learning from experience: Perceptions of socio-emotional development among German students during COVID-19. Emerging Adulthood. (in publication).
Lechner, V., Craciun, I.C., Scheithauer, H. (2023). Barriers, resources and attitudes towards (cyber-) bullying prevention/intervention in schools from the perspective of school staff: Results from focus groups discussions. Teaching and Teacher Education. 135, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2023.104358
Døssing, M. V., & Crăciun, I. C. (2022). From Hostile to Benevolent Ageism: Polarising Attitudes Towards Older Adults in German COVID-19 Related Tweets. The Gerontologist. doi:10.1093/geront/gnac063
Reyes-Fernandez,B., & Craciun, I.C. (under review Journal of Health Psychology), Salient beliefs on healthcare seeking: perspectives from Costa Rican nationals and Nicaraguan migrants .
Crăciun, I. C., & Făgărăşan, S. (2020). From friendly to rebel grannies and psycho older men: views on aging and old people among Romanian children. Educational Gerontology, 46(3), 129–139. doi:10.1080/03601277.2020.1714834.
Pascalau-Vrabete, A., Crăciun, I.C., & Băban, A. (2020). Restricted mobility and unheard voices: Perceptions of accessibility and inclusion expressed on Romanian disability-specific blogs and forums. Disability & Rehabilitation. doi: 0.1080/09638288.2020.1746842
Petre, O., Crăciun, I.C., & Băban, A. (2020). The experiences of living with a transplanted kidney from a deceased donor, Journal of Renal Care. doi:10.1111/jorc.12349
Penţa, M. A., Crăciun, I. C., & Băban, A. (2019). The power of anticipated regret: Predictors of HPV vaccination and seasonal influenza vaccination acceptability among young Romanians. Vaccine, 38(6), 1572–1578. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.11.04.
Crăciun, I. C., Todorova, I., & Băban, A. (2018). “Taking responsibility for my health”: Health system barriers and women’s attitudes toward cervical cancer screening in Romania and Bulgaria. Journal of Health Psychology, 1-13. doi:10.1177/1359105318787616.
Crăciun, I. C., Rasche, S., Flick, U., & Hirseland, A. (2018). Too Old to Work: Views on Reemployment in Older Unemployed Immigrants in Germany. Ageing International. doi:10.1007/s12126-018-9328-8
**Crăciun, C., Flick, U. (2017). "I wonder if robots will take care of me when I am old: Positive aging representations of professionals working in health promotion services", Journal of Health Psychology. DOI: 10.1177/1359105315587141.
Crăciun, C. (2016). “They Do Not Know How to Use Their Health Insurance Card”: Implementation of Active Aging Policy and Aging Perceptions in Romanian General Practitioners. Ageing International. doi:10.1007/s12126-015-9239.
**Crăciun, C., & Flick, U. (2016). Aging in precarious times: Exploring the role of gender in shaping views on aging. Journal of Women & Aging, 28(6), 530–539. doi:10.1080/08952841.2016.1223896.
Crăciun, C. (2016). (De)Gendering Older Patients: Exploring Views on Aging and Older Patients in Romanian General Practitioners. Actualidades En Psicología, 30(121), 1. doi:10.15517/ap.v30i121.24069.
**Crăciun, C., Gellert, P., Flick, U. (2015). Aging in precarious circumstances: can positive views on aging make a difference?The Gerontologist, doi:10.1093/geront/gnv135.
**Crăciun, C., Gellert, P., Flick, U. (2015). Aging in precarious times: Positive views on aging in middle-aged Germans with secure and insecure pension plans, Aging International, DOI: 10.1007/s12126-015-9223-5.
**Crăciun, C., & Flick, U. (2015). “I want to be 100 years old, but I smoke too much”: Exploring the gap between positive aging goals and reported preparatory actions in different social circumstances. Journal of Aging Studies, 35, 49–54. doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2015.07.006.
Crăciun, C., Griva, K. (2015). Ageing in changing social contexts: Challenges and opportunities for health psychology. European Health Psychology Bulletin, 17, 54-57.
Crăciun, C., Gellert, P., Flick, U. (2015). Is healthy ageing for all? The role of positive views on ageing in preparing for a healthy old age in a precarious context. European, Health Psychology Bulletin, 17, 78-84.
**Crăciun, C., & Flick, U. (2014). “I will never be the granny with rosy cheeks”: Perceptions of aging in precarious and financially secure middle-aged Germans. Journal of Aging Studies, 29, 78–87. doi:10.1016/j.jaging.2014.01.003
Anghel, B.I., Crăciun, C. (2013). Self-medication with over-the counter drugs and antibiotics in Romanian consumers: a qualitative study. Cogntion, Brain& Behavior, Volume XVII, No. 3 (September), 215-235.
Crăciun, C. (2012). Social capital in Romanian old people: meaning s and opportunities for health.Aging International. Doi 10.1007/s12126-012-9157-0.
Crăciun, C., Băban, A. (2012). “Who will take the blame?”: Understanding the reasons why Romanian mothers decline HPV vaccination for their daughters. Vaccine. 30, 6789-6793.
Crăciun, C., Zaharia, C., Radu, S., Rusan, A. (2012). Is being old what you see in the mirror? Social construction of the process of ageing. Cognition, Brain & Behavior. Volume XVI, No. 4 (December), 495-508.
Crăciun, C. (2012). Successful aging-utopia or the result of lifelong learning? Meaning and representations of ageing in Romanian elders, Ageing International. 4,373-385.
Crăciun, C., Taut, D., Băban, A. (2012). Self-regulatory strategies for eating behaviour in children and adolescents: a concept mapping approach. Creier, Cognitie, Comportament, March, 1, vol. XVI, 410-426.
*Crăciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2012). Enhancing planning strategies for sunscreen use at different stages of change. Health Education Research, 27, 857-867.
*Crăciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2011). A Mediator Model of Sunscreen Use: A Longitudinal Analysis of Social-Cognitive Predictors and Mediators, in International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, DOI 10.1007/s12529-011-9153-x.
*Crăciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2011), Facilitating Sunscreen Use in Women by a Theory-Based Online Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Health Psychology. DOI: 10.1177/1359105311414955.
*Crăciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2011), Translating Intentions into Sunscreen Use: An Interaction of Self-Efficacy and Appearance Norms, Psychology, Health & Medicine. DOI: 10.1080/13548506.2011.613941.
Kallay, E., Crăciun, C., Vonas, G., Băban, A. (2011). Sexual health and sexual behavior among Romanian adolescents. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol XV, 1, 57-68.
*Crăciun, C., Schüz, N., Lippke, S., & Schwarzer, R. (2010). Risk perception moderates how intentions are translated into sunscreen use. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 33, 392-398. DOI 10.1007/s10865-010-9269-5.
Mereuta, O., & Crăciun, C. (2009), Parents Illness Perceptions, Maladaptive Behaviors, and their Influence on the Emotional Distress of the Child, a pilot study on Romanian Pediatric Cancer Group, Creier, Cognitie, Comportament, vol. XIII, 207-217.
Crăciun, C., & Băban, A. (2008). Exploring smoking in Romanian Adolescents: Prevalence, predictors and meanings of smoking. Cognition, Brain, Behavior: an Interdisciplinary Journal, 4 Creier, Cognitie, Comportament, 435-452.
Crăciun, C., & Băban, A. (2008). The role of self-efficacy, past habit and action plans in children’s eating habits. Creier, Cognitie, Comportament, 2, 205-218.
Băban, A., & Crăciun, C. (2007) Changing Health-Risk Behaviors: a Review of Theory and Evidence-Based Interventions in Health Psychology. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychoterapies, VII,1: 45-66.
Szentagotai, A, Crăciun, C. (2005) “Children’s’ representations of pain”, Cognition, Brain, Behavior, vol. IX, nr. 1, 85-96.
* based on PhD Thesis
** based on Post-Doc Project
Books and Book Chapters
Crăciun, I.C. (2023). Förderung der Entwicklung im mittleren und höheren Lebensalter. Eine Perspektive der positiven Psychologie. Springer Nature. Zur deutschen online Version des Buch
Crăciun, I.C. (2023). Development across Midlife and Old Age: A Positive Psychology Perspective. Springer Nature Switzerland.
Crăciun, I.C. (2022). Designing qualitative research with the elderly. In U. Flick (Ed.) The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Design. Vol. II. Applications, Data, Fields, and Challenges. pp. 957-972. SAGE Publications Ltd, https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529770278.n58
Crăciun, I.C. (2022). “Positive Ageing Happens in the West”: Aging perceptions and active aging policy implementation among Romanian doctors. In D. Chiribuca & A. Teodorescu (Eds.). Shaping Ageing. Social Transformations and Enduring Meanings. pp.88-102.London:Routledge.
**Crăciun, I. C. (2019). Positive Aging and Precarity. Theory, Policy, and Social Reality within a Comparative German Context. International Perspectives on Aging. Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-14255-1
**Crăciun, I.C. (2018). Aging in Precarious Times. Exploring the Role of Precariousness in Shaping Views on Aging and Preparations for a Positive Old Age in Women and Men. E. Reitinger, U. Vedder, P.M. Chiangong (Hrsg.). Alter und Geschlecht. Springer VS: Wiesbaden.
**Crăciun, C., & Flick, U. (2015). The Role of Health Professionals in Positive Aging: Translating Positive Views of Aging into Practice. In A. M. Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 109 (pp. 47-54). New York, NY: Nova publishers.
Crăciun, C., Băban, A. (2013). A lifespan approach to promoting physical activity: insights from research and practice, in C. Mohyeddini (Ed.), Advances in the Psychology of Sport & Exercise, pp. 61-77, Nova Science Publications, ISBN: 978-1-62618-932-4.
Crăciun, C., Băban, A. (2011). Behavior modification and stress management techniques in treating the irritable bowel syndrome: the effectiveness of the Health Action Process Approach Model, in D.L. Dumitrascu, V. Drug (Eds.), Functional and Motility Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract, Cluj Napoca: Editura Medicala Universitara Iuliu Hatieganu, published with the financial help of Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, pp. 447-455.
Crăciun, C., (2011). Process Evaluation, in A.Băban (Ed.). Comportamentul alimentar si activitatea fizica la elevii din Romania. Cercetarea, promovarea si monitorizarea comportmantelor de sanatate [Eating habits and physical activity in Romanian pupils. Researching, promoting and monitoring health behavior]. Cluj Napoca: Rizo Print. pp.76-86.
Băban, A., Crăciun, C. (2010). Internal and external assets and Romanian adolescents’ health: an evidence-based approach to health promoting schools policy in A. Morgan, M. Davies, Ziglio, E. (Eds). Health Assets in a Global Context: Theory, Methods and Action, NY: Springer. pp . 321-337.
Crăciun, C., Băban, A. (2009). Motivational Interviewing: application principles and its relevance for clinical practice, in D. Dumitrascu (Ed.), Current problems in biopsyhosomaticmedicine, Cluj Napoca: Medical University Press, pp. 223-229.
Băban, A., Crăciun, C., Balazsi, R., Ghenea, R. & Olsawsky, V. (2008). Romania: Facing the Challenge of Translating Research into Practice, Policy and Partnerships to Promote Mental Health among Adolescents. In Social Cohesion for Mental Wellbeing among Adolescents, Copenhaga: WHO, pp. 168-183.
Crăciun, C., Băban, A. (2007) Action plans and children’s healthy eating behaviour: mediating and moderating effects of self-efficacy, Health Psychology Review, 1, 262-263
** based on Post-Doc Project