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Information for Exchange Students (Students who are not enrolled in the MCNB)

Please find information for external or Exchange students below, namely students who are not enrolled in the MCNB and want to take courses that are offered within the MCNB. In particular these are:

  • ERASMUS Students: It is possible to take courses if you are in an ERASMUS exchange in one of the Psychology BSc or MSc programs of the Deptartmen for Education and Psychology, Freie Universität Berlin
  • Direct Exchange Students: It is possible to take courses in the MCNB if you are an Freie Universität Berlin student via the "Direktaustausch" program.
  • Auditors (Nebenhörer): If you are a student of the TUB, HUB or Charité it is possible to ask for permission to become an auditor in our courses. However, there is limited resources
  • FUB Students from other departments: E.g. MSc. Data Science student at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science might want to take a course in the MCNB (e.g. as elective)
  • Students of other Universities: E.g. students from private universities, PhD students, etc.

Participation in MCNB courses in English language is only possible if your English proficiency is on C1 level. Due to limited resources (namely limited seats available in the courses), exchange students cannot participate in all courses of the MCNB. Participation is only possible in the following courses:

Winter Term (WiSe):

  • Lecture (Vorlesung): Neurocognitive Methods and Data Analysis
  • Lecture (Vorlesung): Probabilistic and Statistical Modelling
  • Seminar I (Seminar): Cognitive Neuroscience: Perception, Attention, Action and Cognitive Control
  • Seminar I (Seminar): Cognitive Neuroscience: Memory, Emotion, Language and Consciousness 
  • Practical Seminar I (Übung): Cognitive Neuroscience: Research Practice
  • Elective Modules: Please check the Course Register (Vorlesungsverzeichnis), to find what courses are offered (this will change from year to year)

Summer term (SoSe):

  • Seminar II (Seminar): Cognitive Neuroscience: Perception, Attention, Action and Cognitive Control
  • Seminar II (Seminar): Cognitive Neuroscience: Memory, Emotion, Language and Consciousness 
  • Practical Seminar II (Übung): Cognitive Neuroscience: Research Practice

ERASMUS Students

All courses are designed for MSc students. If you are an ERASMUS BSc student you need a suited background (Statistics, Biological/Cognitive Psychology) and should at least be in the 4th semester of your BSc psychology program.

There is a limited amount of seats available. Plese meet with the ERASMUS coordinator as soon as possible to complete your learning agreement. Please aks the ERASMUS coordinator directly, if you want to take a MCNB course. The assignment of seats in the courses will be done by the ERASMUS coordinator. Please do NOT contact the lecturers directly.

Direct Exchange Students

Students from the direct exchange program of the Freie Universität, who want to take courses in the MCNB, please get in touch with the international office of our Department (aka ERASMUS office). They will manage the assignment of seats (limited) in the abovementioned coures. Please do NOT contact the lecturers directly.

Auditors (Nebenhörer)

If you are a student from another university of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) - namely, Charité, TUB, HUB - there is a possibility to participate in MCNB courses. However, for the assignment of seats we will give priority to ERASMUS and Direct Exchange Students of the Freie Universität Berlin. Please note that it is required that you have a suited study background to be allowed to take a course.

If you are student of one of the following MSc Programs:

  • Master Computational Neuroscience (TUB, Charité, FUB)
  • Master Medical Neuroscience (Charité)
  • Master Mind and Brain (HUB)

Please contact the coordinator of your home MSc program to request participation in a specific course of the MCNB. Your coordinator will check with the coordination of the MCNB if you can get a seat. Please do NOT directly contact the lecturers.

All other students please get in contact with the MCNB coordinator Dr. Timo Torsten Schmidt (timo.t.schmidt@fu-berlin.de). Please do NOT contact the lecturers directly.

Please request to become an auditor (Nebenhörer) as soon as possible, as it usually takes several weeks to get access to all systems and course materials. Please find information on how to register on the following websites (it requires a signature of the lecturer).

FUB Students from Other Departments

We have limited resources to take students from other departments, but it is possible in particular for students from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Please get in contact with the MCNB coordinator Dr. Timo Torsten Schmidt (timo.t.schmidt@fu-berlin.de). Please do NOT contact the lecturers directly.

Students of Other Universities

Usually we are not able to take students from other universities (except HUB, TUB, Charité), due to limited resources. For PhD students and any other questions about participation in educational activities ofthe MCNB, please contact the MCNB coordinator Dr. Timo Torsten Schmidt (timo.t.schmidt@fu-berlin.de).