Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Psych. Claudia Preuschhof
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
39106 Magdeburg
Nagel IN, Preuschhof C, Li SC, Nyberg L, Bäckman L, Lindenberger U, Heekeren HR. Age differences in brain activation and functional connectivity are modulated are modulated by working memory performance level. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. In Press.
Preuschhof C, Heekeren HR, Li SC, Sander T, Lindenberger U,. Bäckman L. (2010). KIBRA and CLSTN2 polymorphisms exert interactive effects on human episodic memory. Neuropsychologia 48(2): 402-840.
Preuschhof C, Schubert T, Villringer A, Heekeren HR. (2010). Prior Information biases stimulus representations during vibrotactile decision making. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22(5), 875-87.
Burzynska A, Preuschhof C, Bäckman L, Nyberg L, Li SC, Lindenberger U, Heekeren HR. (2010). Age-related differences in white-matter microstructure: Region-specific patterns of diffusivity. NeuroImage 49(3):2104-4212.
Nagel IN, Preuschhof C, Li SC, Nyberg L, Bäckman L, Lindenberger U, Heekeren HR. (2009). Performance level modulates adult age differences in brain activation during a spatial working memory task. PNAS 106(52): 22552-22557.
Schubert R, Ritter P, Wüstenberg T, Preuschhof C, Curio G, Sommer W, Villringer A. (2008). Spatial attention related SEP amplitude modulations covary with BOLD signal in S1 - a simultaneous EEG-fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex 18(11):2686-700.
Rothemund Y, Preuschhof C, Bohner G, Bauknecht HC, Klingebiel R, Flor H, Klapp BF. (2007). Differential activation of the dorsal striatum by high-calorie visual food stimuli in obese individuals. NeuroImage 37(2), 410-21.
Preuschhof C, Heekeren HR, Taskin B, Schubert T, Villringer A. (2006). Neural correlates of vibrotactile working memory in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience 26(51), 13231-9.
Scheibe S, Preuschhof C, Cristi C, Bagby RM. (2003). Are there gender differences in major depression and its response to antidepressants? Journal of Affective Disorders 75, 223-235.