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Current Projects

Higher Education Dropout and Job Prospects. Experimental Studies on Access to the Labour and Vocational Education and Training Market (ABBA-X)

University dropouts are carrying the stigma of having failed. It is commonly assumed that they have reduced employment and job opportunities. However, until now it is barely known how companies assess university dropouts, which is why our knowledge about the individual ramifications of a university dropout is limited. …more

The Bologna Process: Consequences for Inequality of Educational Opportunities and Labour Market Outcomes

The European Higher Education Area has changed markedly in the course of the Bologna Process. ...more

Teachers and Educational Inequalities

Questions about the emergence of educational inequalities are central to sociological educational research. Surprisingly, the role of teachers is largely neglected in this context. …more


Completed Projects

Who Becomes a Teacher – and Why? Causes of Choice of Field of Study, Entrance Qualifications of Teacher Students, and Evaluation of the Teacher Study Program

  • Funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry for Education and Research), 2010 – 2013 (Dissertation Project)
  • Researcher: Martin Neugebauer

Social Selectivity in Tertiary Education and Labour Market and Stratification Outcomes

  • Funded by the DFG (German Research Association), 2009 – 2011, PI: Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Walter Müller, Mannheim
  • Researchers: Carlo Barone, Markus Klein, Walter Müller, Martin Neugebauer, David Reimer, Steffen Schindler

Problems of an Education-Based Meritocracy: Primary and Secondary Effects

  • Funded by the EU, Network of Excellence ‘Economic Change, Quality of Life and Social Cohesion’ (EQUALSOC), 2009 – 2010, PI: Prof. Michelle Jackson, Stanford
  • Reseachers: Charlotte Büchner, Dalit Contini, Robert Erikson, Anders Holm, Mathieu Ichou, Mads Meier Jaeger, Jan O. Jonsson, Martin Neugebauer, David Reimer, Frida Rudolphi, Andrea Scagni, Steffen Schindler, Volker Stocké, Louis-André Vallet, Rolf van der Velden