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Disease in Human Aging

Dynamics at the Level of Molecules, Individuals, and Society


DynAge took up its work in 2013 and was one of five Focus Areas of the Freie Universität Berlin until 2019. As part of the Freie Universität’s institutional research strategy, DynAge was supported by funds from the Excellence Initiative (3rd round, 2011 – 2017/2019; Funding Line: Insititutional Strategy). In addition to the Freie Universität Berlin, the Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin (2013 – 2019), the German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DIfE, 2015 – 2019), and the Robert Koch Institute (2016 – 2019) were further institutional partners. The Max Planck Institute for Human Development was a collaborator from 2015 to 2017.

DynAge’s key aim was to initiate and support interdisciplinary research into disease in human aging focusing on tumors, cardio‐vascular disease, musculo-skeletal diseases, and cognitive disorders/depression. To do that, DynAge provided start-up funding in seven rounds for a total of 42 interdisciplinary and trans-institutional research projects that partnered up different perspectives on disease processes over the life-span: molecular, individual and societal perspectives. A total of 249 researchers, including numerous junior scientists, from 144 different regional, national and international institutions contributed to DynAge in start-up funded projects.

Read more about DynAge:                                                    


Abstract of the projects:

2013-2014:   2016-2017:  
2014-2015:   2018-2019: