Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ben Eppinger
Neural Dynamics of Visual Cognition
Visiting professor
I completed my PhD at Saarland University in 2008 and then moved to Princeton University for postdoctoral training. Back in Germany I spent two years as a research scientist at the MPI for Human Development in Berlin before taking the position of an assistant professor at the Psychology Department at TU Dresden. Since August 2016 I am an associate professor in the Psychology Department at Concordia University and a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in cognitive neuroscience of healthy decision-making in human aging. From 2021-2022 I serve as a guest professor at FU Berlin.
In my research I study the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying changes in learning and decision-making across the human lifespan. For more information please visit the following link: https://psychologie.uni-greifswald.de/43051/lehrstuehle/entwicklungspsychologie-und-paedagogische-psychologie/benjamin-eppinger/.