Informative Links in the Field of Extended Education
On this page, we will share informative links about the research field of extended education. You can find current research in the field, important associations and institutions as well as upcoming conferences.
Please contact us in case you have information about any development in this field, such as new research projects, conferences, other scientific events as well as institutions and associations working in this field.Research Projects
Collaborative Project GeLeGanz
This project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, in collaboration of Freie Universität Berlin, Universität Hamburg, and the German Children and Youth Foundation, aims to explore the conditions under which socially and educationally disadvantaged immigrant students in Germany can profit from attending all-day schools, i.e. a form of extended education.
WERA-IRN Extended Education - International Comparative Study: Students' Experience of Uncertain Times: Mental Health and Virtual Learning in Class and in Extended Education
Organizing Committee: Prof. Dr. Gil Noam (Harvard University, USA), Prof. Dr. Marianne Schüpbach (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany), and Prof. Dr. Sang Hoon Bae (Sungkyunkwan University Seoul, South Korea)
The study aims to assess students's social and emotional development and mental health during lockdown and school closures, the quality of education that they received as well as their learning experiences in extended education offerings. 12 research teams from within our IRN are currently conducting the study in 11 countries: USA, Germany, South Korea, Sweden, Australia, Turkey, Iceland, Russia, Israel, Switzerland, Georgia. We want to analyse similarities and differences across these countries regarding the experiences of the students and the effect of isolation on their self-perception.
A preliminary publication of the results is planned for spring 2021. Read more here.
EduCare-TaSe – All-Day School and School Succes?
A longitudinal study about students in all-day schools and their attending of extended education in German-speaking Switzerland. It focuses especially on the influence of extended education programs on children at risk.
StEG – Study on the Development of All-Day Schools
A research program focusing on the evaluation and future development of all-day schools in Germany. A main aspect of the study is the question, how all-day schools can contribute to individual support of students.
Effects of organized leisure activities on the transition into vocational training
This quantitative longitudinal survey aims at analyzing positive effects of organized leisure activities on work related personal and social resources as well as on the transition into vocational training among youth at the end of their lower/middle secondary school career in Germany. Further objectives are identifying leisure types and analyzing selective effects of sociodemographic background indicators on the usage of organized leisure activities. The 4-year study is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Sperling Center for Research and Innovation (SCRI): Making Evidence Actionable for Youth-Serving Organizations in the Field of Extended Education
Launched by the US nonprofit organization BellXcel, the center wants to elevate the quality and impact of youth-serving organizationss by making evidence actionable. SCRI is determined to add the capacity needed to help partners put research into action. It has a dual focus: engaging in research studies and translating and elevating findings, and supporting partners as they implement evidence-based practices through focused consulting engagements. For more information, please visit
The School-Age Educare Centre's Pedagogical Mission (SAECPM): A Swedish Research Project
The project's general purposes are to study, discuss and increase knowledge concerning
1) how the SAECs work and cooperation with school can contribute with good conditions for the pupils learning and
2) the principals ́ responsibilities to supervise and steer the SAECs work.
It will continue until 2022 and is governed by Ifous, a nonprofit independent research and development institute, together with a research group led by Associate Professor Helena Ackesjö at Linnaeus University and Associate Professor Björn Haglund at University of Gävle. The project includes both staff at SAECs and principals that are responsible for the work at the SAECs. Read more about the it on the project website of Linneaus University (Swedish only) or contact Björn Haglund and Helena Ackesjö.
Associations and Special Interest Groups
AERA Out-of-School Time Special Interest Group (OST-SIG)
The Out-of-School Time Special Interest Group of the American Education Research Association (AERA OST-SIG 160) is an affinity group for professionals and students interested in research on how children and youth spend their time during out-of-school hours. A primary focus of this research is teaching and learning in before- and after-school programs and summer programs, but out-of-school time also includes weekends, holidays, evenings, and other times of day characterized by discretionary opportunity, choice, and flexibility.
The purpose of the OST SIG is to provide a forum for researchers in out-of-school time teaching and learning to interact & share resources with each other, to network with practitioners and others in the field, to provide venues and opportunities to present related research, and to bring additional resources to AERA.
Learn more about this special interest group on their website and facebook page.
Does Finland Hold a Key to Unlocking the American Education System?
Dr. Gil Noam reports about his trip to Finland's Ministry of Education and Culture. There, he could learn about the recent changes in Finland's educational system. In brief, the educational curricula moved toward interdisciplinary learning and more cooperation between schools and extracurricular educational organizations. Read more.
The Afterschool Leadership Landscape: Supporting and Strengthening Racial Equity
US-based National Afterschool Association(NAA) recently released a research review that explored the leadership landscape in US extended education with a focus on identifying the systemic challenges and opportunities to increase racial diversity among afterschool leaders and increase equity in access to leadership positions.Moreover, the NAA is launching a Professional Learning Community for Emerging Leaders of Color.
Positive Youth Development Through Leisure: Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article by Andrea Vest Ettekal and Jennifer P. Agans review youth programs and provide ideas for bringing their key elements into unstructured leisure settings during the pandemic. The article highlights particular challenges as well as opportunities and innovative examples that occurred in affected communities.
Ettekal, A., & Agans, J. (2020). Positive Youth Development Through Leisure: Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Youth Development, 15(2), 1-20. doi: