Publications of Members of the WERA TASK FORCE Global Research in Extended Education
Publications of the International Journal for Research on Extended Education (IJREE)
Here you can find all current and previous issues of the journal:
- About the Journal:
- The latest issue: Special Section on Professionalizing the Extended Education Workforce (Vol. 11, No. 1-2023), edited by Nanine Lilla, Marianne Schüpbach, and Jennifer Cartmel.
Conference Volume: Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View
The WERA-IRN conference Extended Education from an International Comparative Point of View held at University of Bamberg, Germany, in 2017 aimed at bringing together different research perspectives, synthesizing the state of research worldwide in this new field of extended education – afterschool and out-of-school time learning –, and initiating an international research direction from a comparative point of view. From the conference proceedings, thirteen high-quality papers have been selected representing the international state of research on extended education.
- Development and Implementations of Extended Education in Different Countries
- Compensatory Effects of Extended Education
- Multiprofessional Collaboration of Staff
- Peer Relations Within the Field of Extended Education
- Focus on the Situation in Germany
The volume is edited by Prof. Dr. Marianne Schuepbach and Dr. Nanine Lilla (Eds.) and published by Springer in summer 2019. It is now available online!
Extended Education – an International Perspective.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Extracurricular and Out-of-School Time Educational Research
The institutions and processes concerning out-of-school education are of ever growing importance. The scale of both public and private offers are steadily increasing, therefore individuals and families find more and more ways to satisfy their educational and training needs. This timely volume assesses the current impact and future of out-of-school education with case studies from eight different countries.