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Classroom management competencies. Development and evaluation of a teacher training programme in classroom management

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Project Management:Prof. Dr. Felicitas Thiel, Dr. Diemut Ophardt

Project Coordination: Dipl.-Psych. Valentina Piwowar

Period: 2009-2012


Classroom management is considered a key area of professional teachers’ expertise and contributes significantly to students’ academic and socio-emotional learning. The targeted training of skills in classroom management is therefore an important goal of teachers’ education, which is also seen as most in need of development by teachers themselves. However, there are no existing training concepts for inservice teachers in German-speaking countries so far. This study therefore aimed to develop and empirically evaluate a training program in classroom management for experienced teachers.  A 23-hour modular training has been developed in which theoretical inputs, the analysis with foreign and own video documented lessons as well as microteaching were used.  A quasi-experimental study for a self-selective sample of 38 teachers has demonstrated the effectiveness of this training: High levels of accepting the training, growth in knowledge in all areas as well as growths of skills in some areas of classroom management were shown. Particularly students’ positive effects on their participation confirm the effectiveness of the advanced training program that was developed. The effects on knowledge, students’ participation and satisfaction with the training could be replicated in a replication study with teachers in their practical induction phase. The impact on skills only appeared from the observers’ perspective, however, neither did the effects appear in their self-report nor from students’ perspective.

Furthermore, in order to be able to verify the effectivenes tools have been developed in the course of the study to measure skills and knowledge in classroom management. Their psychometric quality was tested and confirmed on different samples. Thereby after the project's completion both an elaborate and effective further training for teaching staff on classroom management as well as tools for the diagnosis of knowledge and skills in classroom management are available for practice and research.


KODEK Questionnaires

In the description of scale (in German), you can find further information about the aspects of classroom management which are measured with the questionnaires. Tips and advice regarding the data analysis are available in this Excel file. Extensive information about the project can be found in the publications below.



Ophardt, D., Piwowar, V. & Thiel, F. (2017). Kompetenzen des Klassenmanagements (KODEK) – Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Fortbildungsprogramms für Lehrpersonen zum Klassenmanagement. In C. Gräsel, & K. Trempler (Hrsg.), Entwicklung von Professionalität des pädagogischen Personals. Interdisziplinäre Betrachtungen, Befunde und Perspektiven (S. 133-152). Springer Online.

Piwowar, V., Ophardt, D. & Thiel, F. (2016). Wie können Referendare ihr Klassenmanagement verbessern? Multikriteriale Evaluation eines Trainings im Rahmen der Berliner Referendarausbildung. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 44(16), S. 89-104.

Ophardt, D., Piwowar, V. & Thiel, F. (2014). Unterrichtsentwicklung im Bereich Klassenmanagement. Welche Rolle spielen simulations- und videobasierte Lerngelegenheiten für Reflektion und Transfer? Engagement, 32(4), 263-271.

Piwowar, V., Thiel, F. & Ophardt, D. (2013). Training Inservice Teachers’ Competencies in Classroom Management – A Quasi-Experimental Study with Teachers of Secondary Schools. Teaching and Teacher Education, 30, 1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2012.09.007   

Ophardt, D. & Thiel, F.(2013). Klassenmanagement – Ein Handbuch für Studium und Praxis. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.

Piwowar, V. (2013). Multidimensionale Erfassung von Kompetenzen im Klassenmanagement: Konstruktion und Validierung eines Beobachter- und eines Schülerfragebogens für die Sekundarstufe. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 27(4), 215-228. doi:10.1024/1010-0652/a000108

Thiel, F., Ophardt, D. & Piwowar, V. (2013). Abschlussbericht des Projekts „Kompetenzen des Klassenmanagements (KODEK). Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Fortbildungsprogramms für Lehrkräfte zum Klassenmanagement“. Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin. (pdf-Datei)