Quality in bilingual daycare centres
The project focuses on the pedagogical quality in bilingual daycare centres. In bilingual daycare centres in Berlin-Zehlendorf, run by the provider Kiddies Family, the pedagogical quality of (language) education is assessed and linked to child development.
Empirical studies have so far focused primarily on the pedagogical quality at the group level (e.g., BIKS, NUBBEK study, BIKE study). However, since it is assumed that not all children in a group experience the same pedagogical quality, the project Quality in Bilingual Daycare Centres complements the previous findings by looking at pedagogical quality on the child level, thus addressing the rather narrow findings in the German-speaking countries. With the focus on quality on the level of the individual child, an extended perspective on pedagogical quality is thus taken into account.
The sample includes up to 200 children and their families as well as the professionals and centre heads of the daycare centres.
The Department of Early Childhood Education at Freie Universität Berlin assesses the pedagogical quality on the child level using standardized observations and questionnaires.
Main questions of the study
- What pedagogical quality do children experience in bilingual daycare centres?
- How is the pedagogical quality in these daycare centres related to the children's rated competencies?
Project leader
Project staff
Project sponsor