On this page you will find some projects that are currently being conducted or already completed on the topics of Health Behavior, Coping and Social Support and Lifespan Development and Health.
For prior studies please consult our publication list.
Health behavior change in individuals
- Evaluation of the falls prevention program "Be active, but safe" by AOK Nordost
- Credits4Health
- Personal Resources of Elderly People With Multiple Illnesses: Fortification of Effective Health Behaviour (PREFER). Project of the consortium Autonomy Despite Multimorbidity in Old Age (AMA)
- Fostering Lifelong Autonomy and Resources in Europe Behavior and Successful Aging (FLARE-BSA)
- Becoming Non-smoker
- Risk Appraisal Consequences in Korea (RACK) Project
- Improvement of a Physically Active Lifestyle in Orthopedic and Cardiologic Rehabilitation Patients With an Expert System (FaBA - Förderung eines aktiven Bewegungs-Alltags bei Rehablitanden: Unterstützung durch ein Expertensystem)
Dyadic health behavior change
- Developing a Taxonomy of Dyadic Behavior Change Techniques
- HASCI 1+1– Healthy, Active and Sustainable Commuting Intervention
- Days in Motion/ Bewegter Alltag
Coping and Social Support
- YouCan-App! Psychosocial Support for Parents Caring for Their Dependent Children at Home
- Gendersensitive Mental Risk Assessment
- Stress and Coping in working mothers
- Enjoying Retirement funded by the German-Polish Science Foundation
- Coping Research and Assessment Instruments
- Model Project "Network of Self-Efficacious Schools"
Lifespan Development and Health
Please find scales and questionnaires on assessment tools.