Social factors and social inequality
Differences in prevalence rates of mental disorders according to socio-economic status are well documented. It is currently largely unknown which factors related to socio-economic status are responsible for mental health inequalities. Assumptions about potential mediating mechanisms are derived from psychological as well as sociological theories and findings and investigated in two different population representative samples. Both analyses build on each other. In the first study, it was examined in a cross-sectiononal design whether psychosocial resources differed according to the highest educational status and whether the resources influence the relationship between education and depressive symptoms as well as positive mental health. In the second study, these interrelationships were examined in a longitudinal design. Both publications are currently in the peer review process.
Education and mental health: What role do psychosocial resources play? A cross-sectional study representative of the population based on data from the Bochum Optimism and Mental Health Study.
Contributors and Cooperation Partners
- Dr. Helen Niemeyer (FU Berlin)
- M.Sc. Johannes Bohn (FU Berlin)
- Dr. Angela Bieda (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Michalak (Universität Witten-Herdecke)
- Prof. Dr. Silvia Schneider (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Margraf (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Contact Person
Niemeyer, H., Bohn, J., Margraf, J., & Knaevelsrud, C. (2020). Does education affect mental health, wellbeing and perceived control? An explorative population-representative longitudinal study. In Brohm-Badry, M., Peifer, C., Greve, J., M., Berend, B. (Hrsg.), Zusammen wachsen - Förderung der positiv-psychologischen Entwicklung von Individuum, Organisation und Gesellschaft, Kap. III, S. 187-201. Lengerich: DGPPF.
Niemeyer, H., Bieda, A., Michalak, J., Schneider, S., & Margraf, J. (2019). Education and mental health: Do psychosocial resources matter? SSM Population Health, 7, doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2019.100392