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Educational science

Please note: The Mono Bachelor Educational Science is instructed in German. Sufficient German knowledge is a key requirement for successful admission! We do our best to keep the English version of the Examination Office's website up to date. If you are able to, we advise you to refer to the German version as well.

Which topics are addressed in educational science?

With 130 credit points, educational science course components make up the clear focus of the course. Diverse educational topics from theories of education/education and upbringing to child and youth welfare to heterogeneity in educational processes are being addressed. Empirical research methods (quantitative and qualitative approaches) are taught in first and second semester.

From the fourth semester onwards, students have the opportunity to attend various seminars in three specialization modules that deal with currently relevant issues in educational science. This allows students to create an individual focus that can be further deepened in the bachelor's thesis. The guide for transitioning from the basic to the specialization area of the study course can serve as orientation (coming soon).

The exact descriptions of the content, qualification goals and framework conditions can be viewed in the module descriptions (only in German).

List of modules:

Basic courses

Module - Education and Upbringing (10 ECTS)

Module - Methods of Empirical Social Research (10 ECTS)

Module - Institutionalization of Education (10 ECTS)

Module - Socialization and Learning (10 ECTS)

Module - Methods of Qualitative Social Research (5 ECTS)

Module - Methods of Quantitative Social Research (5 ECTS)

Module - Approaches in Pedagogical Actions - Basics (10 ECTS)

Advanced courses

Module - Educational Diagnostics (10 ECTS)                

Module - Heterogeneity in Upbringing and Education Processes (10 ECTS)

Module - Approaches in Pedagogical Actions - Specialization (10 ECTS)

Module - Development of Educational Organizations (10 ECTS)

Module - Current Issues in Educational Science A (10 ECTS)

Module - Current Issues in Educational Science A (10 ECTS)

Bachelor thesis (10 ECTS)
