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Students of educational science

Please note: The Mono Bachelor Educational Science is instructed in German. Sufficient German knowledge is a key requirement for successful admission! We do our best to keep the English version of the Examination Office's website up to date. If you are able to, we advise you to refer to the German version as well.

The affiliative course area - recommended from the 5th semester onwards

All students who start their studies of the bachelor's degree Educational Science in the 1st semester should structure their studies according to the given degree table program (only in German). The affiliative courses only addresses students in higher semesters who are enrolled in the new study and examination regulations since winter semester 23/24.

Students in higher semesters please see the current affiliative courses information sheet for the winter semester 23/24!

What possibilities does the affiliative area offer?

In the affiliative area, students have the opportunity to gain insights into other subjects that interest them in addition to educational science, to supplement their studies focus point or to develop a second separate focus. The affiliative area can also be used sensibly with regard to later individual professional goals students might have.

What can I study in the affiliative area?

Freely selectable affine modules

20 ECTS can be chosen freely from all offered courses at Freie Universität Berlin (or other universities). The course catalog can provide a good initial orientation for what the Freie Universität Berlin has to offer. For further information, it is advisable to look through the corresponding study and examination regulations of other degree programs. In principle, there are no content restrictions with regard to the range of subjects that can be selected in the affiliative area (exception: pedagogical degree programs that are too similar to the Bachelor's degree in educational science, such as rehabilitation pedagogy, elementary school pedagogy, social work etc.)

Affiliative subject psychology

Please pay attention to the information sheet for the affiliative course Psychology (offered coures may change!). Affiliative elective modules in psychology can only be started in the winter semester and extend over two semesters. There is no stand-alone offer for the summer semester!

Affiliative subject law

Offered courses through the Department of Law cannot be studied as an affiliative course. It is possible to study similar modules at another university in the form of a part-time student.

Pre-existing agreements with other departments

Due to space restrictions in some departments, quota agreements apply in these cases, for which students have to apply a head of time if interested (all documents are only given in German):

When are the registration deadlines?

For the offers with a contingent agreement, an application must be made due to the limited number of participants. If there are more registrations than places for the module, a lottery will be used.

Registration deadline here by (DATE) at the latest by email to studium-ewi@ewi-psy.fu-berlin.de

The FU-wide registration deadlines (DATE) apply to all other offers.

What other options are there?

If you do not like the offers of the Freie Universität Berlin or if it is not possible to choose events that interest you, there is also the possibility of visiting offers from other universities in the form of a secondary audience and thus providing related services.

Examples of this would be e.g.
