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Career prospect

Please note: The Mono Bachelor Educational Science is instructed in German. Sufficient German knowledge is a key requirement for successful admission! We do our best to keep the English version of the Examination Office's website up to date. If you are able to, we advise you to refer to the German version as well.

What are my options after graduation?

With the completion of the master’s degree Educational Research (Master of Arts), graduates inhabit a broad spectrum of integrated and in-depth knowledge of educational processes. Through setting a focus on quantitative or qualitative research methods, students pocess the capability to plan, carry out or evaluate empirical studies addressing a wide range of topics in the field of educational research. Furthermore, they can work on a conceptually advisory level and transfer their research-centered knowledge to fields of adaption in the practice of upbringing and education.

Possible occupational fields:

  • Technical advice (e.g., education administration and policy, federal ministry, organizations for evaluation and innovation of the education and training system)
  • Education management (e.g., leading positions in educational institutions, e.g., universities, colleges and schools, providers of further education, early childhood education, adult education)
  • University or external university research (e.g., in the field of evaluation, quality assurance and innovation of educational institutions)
  • Evaluation (e.g., specific evaluation or quality assurance in education and training such as personnel development centers or research institutions)
  • Striving for a subsequent doctorate and habilitation is also an option.

Further information on professional fields can be found thorugh the OSA (only in German)
