Violence. Nationalism, Racism, Xenophobia
Bernhard Dieckmann, Christoph Wulf, Michael Wimmer (Hg.): Violence. Nationalism, Racism, Xenophobia.
1997. 332 S. DM 38,- (Euro 19,43). ISBN 3-89325-487-0.
The escalation in violence over the last few years expressed in xenophobia, racism and nationalism in several European countries is analized in the contributions of the book. Representatives of disciplines of the various social sciences dedicated to understanding violence attempt to determine possible causes and motives for this increase. The European aspect, with its particular economic and sociopolitical problems, is examined using case study results from several countries. In addition, an analysis is presented that investigates the question wheather violence is a problem specific to youth and therefore an issue to be addressed by educationalists. The book seeks to contribute to research in the fields of nationalism and racism by dealing predominantly with anthropologial considerations. But it also wishes to address the questions of the manifestation, causes and motives of youth violence being discussed in educational science.
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