Education for the 21st Century
Christoph Wulf (Hg.): Education for the 21st Century. Commonalities and Diversities.
1998. 700 S. DM 48,- (Euro 24,54). ISBN 3-89325-619-9.
The expansion of the European Union in the 21st century will bring with it new tasks in education. Among the predominant ones are issues related to commonalities and diversities found within each nation's own education system. Until now the European states have focused on diversities found within their own national educatioanl systems. The ongoining integration process in Europe will mean transnational perspectives need more attention. Processes of globalisation, economic integration, social mobility, migration and political integration will persist into the next century and produce new forms of commonalities, inside and outside nation states. The relationsship of these processes of commonalities and diversities is a major problem and challenge for all education systems not only within Europe, but in the whole world. This volume deals with issues related to this development in seven fields: History and Theory of Education, Ethnicity, Teacher Education, Youth Care aand Special Educational Needs, Media Based Education, Woman and Gender Studies, Higher Education. The 43 articels are written by more than 50 authors from 15 European countries.
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